
This chapter first studies deeply the theoretical basis of the affection of ownership structure on R & D investment behavior by using principal-agent theory , asymmetric information theory and signaling theory respectively .
Although the theory of asymmetric information model has been popular in academia , but all the theories about the IPO underpricing overemphasize his theory while ignoring other theories .
After this phenomenon was discovered initially , in order to explain it properly , financial economists pay much attention to it and have developed several theories form different aspects , including asymmetric information theory , market system theory , IPO allocation theory , and so on .
Seeing from the information asymmetry theory , combining the practical operation of Thailand BAAC , the author holds that adverse selection and moral hazard resulted from information asymmetry are the important causes for impeding formal financial institutions providing financial services in rural area .
Risk Management Basing on the Asymmetric Information Theory in IT Outsourcing
Research on Accounting Issues Based on Asymmetric Information Theory
An Enterprise Annex Research Based on Asymmetrical Information Theory
The core of the micro information economics researches in China is to introduce and make use of the asymmetric information theory .
We find some evidence suggesting the importance of asymmetric information theory and agency cost theory in explaining the financing choice of our listed corporations .
Game theory and asymmetric information theory provide better tools and new theoretical perspective to explore the economics of fraud accounting information of listed companies .
Based on the Asymmetric Information Theory , a cooperative game model was established to analyze players ' cooperative strategies of the cross-organizational R & D cooperation .
Second , using of financial economics theory , the common reasons of commercial banks credit risk are detected deeply from contract theory and asymmetric information theory .
On the perspective of financial markets microstructure , based on the asymmetric information theory , asset price behavior in Chinese market is analyzed though the theoretical analysis and empirical testing .
According to asymmetric information theory , the current issues about agriculture industrialization management are analyzed and it is concluded that asymmetric information leads to the issues of adverse selection , signal transmission , and information screening .
Draw Inspiration From Asymmetric Information Theory on Standardizing the Labor Market Order of Our Country
This paper explains it by the asymmetric information theory , game theory , transaction cost theory and resource-based theory and provides the theoretical foundation of choosing strategic alliance partners based on the corporate reputation .
Based on the asymmetric information theory , this paper discusses the asymmetric information problems in financing the innovations , and gets conclusions that main bodies separation , lack of information channels and characteristic of technology are the main causes of informational asymmetries .
Therefore , the Theory of Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information is disabled in our dividend policy practices .
Secondly , it concludes that the Theory of Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information is disable in the dividend policy practice of listed companies by an independent positive study ;
The agency cost analysis of Theory of Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information deeply demonstrates that dividend policy is the effective implementing mechanism to reduce kinds of agency costs generated by asymmetric information ;
The signaling theory is the basic theory to solve the asymmetric information transmission .