- 名antagonist
We wouldn 't want one of our rivals running off with " impressions "
The Woman Struggler in Desert
MacGregor 's insistence on this point is understandable , as culture is increasingly seen , in world affairs , as a component of soft power , able to be used to shift recalcitrant hearts and minds .
Sreda , a polling agency that tracks social trends , sampled protesters ' values .
Other witnesses gave much lower estimates of the number of protesters .
For now , though , the odds are against the protesters .
A research joint venture of the potential entrants against ex post licensing ;
He was a rebel rising against the oppressor .
He rules out using force against demonstrators .
When the military finally moved against the protesters , there was armed resistance .
Yet in the south , for example , support for the protesters is low even among the poor .
It was unfortunate and a little ironic that his victory was marred by police firing pepper gas on protesters .
And a ceremony in Shanksville , Pennsylvania where a fourth plane crashed after passengers fought back against the hijackers .
Despite looking at exactly the same footage , the experimental subjects drew sharply different conclusions about how aggressive the protesters were being .
In their view , art is not only the moral force against private owners , but also a positive force to transform society .
Helicopter gunships are said to have attacked protesters there after a police station and [ a ] court building were set on fire .
Influential cleric Moqtada al-Sadr , a rival to Maliki , has shown support for the protesters - and told Alhurra TV that Iraq 's sects must be united .
His testimony was seen as potentially a crucial element in the trial where the gravest charge against the former president is that he ordered troops to fire on protesters .
Officials at South Africa Kruger National Park say they are poised to combat poachers with a new equipment as sophisticated as that used by criminal gangs , who are killing animals .
Hundreds of protesters clashed with Pakistani police as they tried to march toward the U.S. consulate in Karachi , police fired tear gas and water cannons at the protesters after they broke through .
You can see the protesters manning the barricades and there are hundreds of riot police here , but no easy access for them through into this square , which is exactly the way the protesters want it .
So dire is the situation that an EU-sponsored survey found that more than half of young people ( 18-34 ) would actively participate in large-scale uprising against the generation in power . The sample was over half a million people .
Contemporary countries generally adopt both sides equal confrontation , and the middle magistrate judge pattern of the proceedings .
Tense atmosphere in real shooting environment can be built due to mutual shooting of shooters in real person confrontation .
He says western restrictions on Syria for its violent reaction to government opponents have caused problems . But the government has worked to keep business in the capital normal . Syria , however , also seeks help from outside the country .
Even as they have become global behemoths , they have cast themselves as guardians of the powerless against the state .
Actually , the institution design can avoid the confrontation , promote the cooperation of the manager and the managed , and make the management effective .
In this article I discuss problems of spam that come from inter-relationships between content sites and how the very community of spam victims can cooperate in the battle against spammers .
It 's where Clusius planted the first tulips in Western Europe and it 's where Holland 's first university was founded , a reward granted by William of Orange for the city 's bravery in battle against his Spanish Catholic oppressors .