
  1. 对外汉语研究的跨学科探索&汉语学习与认知国际学术研讨会论文述要

    A summary of the International Symposium on Chinese Learning and Cognition

  2. 对外汉语研究的基本框架

    A preliminary framework for the study of Chinese as a second language

  3. 第五章是对本研究的总结,并为本人今后进一步进行对外汉语研究指明方向。

    The fifth chapter is a summary of this research , and gives me a right direction for my further study .

  4. 目前,在对外汉语研究领域关于教材语料难度的研究成果有限。

    At present , the research achievements of textbook corpus difficulty is very limited in the research area of teaching Chinese as a second language .

  5. 在当今围内现有的对外汉语研究成果中,针对蒙古国学生在学习汉语过程中各方面偏误分析的研究成果还比较少。

    In today s domestic existing foreign Chinese research fruits , in view of the Mongolian students in studying Chinese in the process of the errors analysis research achievements are less .

  6. 当前对外汉语教学研究之探讨与展望

    A Study on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  7. 在对外汉语教学研究中,除非类句式也并未得到应有的重视,对外汉语教材中的寥寥数语,并不能阐释其真正的意义与用法。

    On teaching Chinese as a foreign language ," chufei " sentence did not receive the attention .

  8. 课堂教学一直是对外汉语教学研究的重中之重。

    Classroom teaching has been taken the significant position on the research for teaching Chinese as second language .

  9. 针对韩国的对外汉语教学研究也不断深入细致化。

    The research of teaching Chinese as a foreign language to South Korea is also in-depth and detailed .

  10. 语体能力的培养是对外汉语教学研究的一个新的增长点。

    The cultivation of stylistic competence is a " new growth point " in the study of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language ( TCSL ) .

  11. 将语体学纳入对外汉语教学研究体系是一个新的研究增长点。

    Bringing the stylistic into the research system of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language ( TCSL ) is a new growth point of the research .

  12. 也为报刊新闻教学研究提供了一个科学、实用的研究平台,填补了对外汉语教学研究领域的一项空白。

    It provides a scientific and applied research platform to the Teaching Chinese to foreigners , and also , it provides a new landscape to the vocabulary study .

  13. 对外汉语教学研究中有公认的三大流派:词本位教学法字本位教学法和语素教学法。

    There are three schools in the study of teaching Chinese as a foreign language , namely word-based teaching method , character-based teaching method and teaching methodology of morphemes .

  14. 如何编写适合教学对象的汉语教材也是对外汉语教材研究的主要任务。

    How to compile Chinese textbooks that are suitable for students is also a main task for the research on the textbooks of teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  15. 目前对外汉语教材研究大都针对的是国内编写的汉语教材,对国外学者汉语教材编写的研究比较薄弱。

    Current research in Chinese textbooks is mostly written in Chinese domestic materials . At the same time the research of Chinese textbooks written by foreign scholars is relatively weak .

  16. 对外汉语教学研究,是中国语言学的一个组成部分,其研究内容包括两个方面:学科理论研究和汉语研究。

    As an integral part of Chinese linguistics , studies in teaching Chinese as a foreign language include the theoretical research in the discipline and the study of the Chinese language .

  17. 笔者试图将语素法更为全面系统地展现在读者面前,以期为对外汉语教学研究尽一份绵薄之力,为对外汉语词汇教学实践提供一定的参考性意义。

    The paper tries to make the morpheme method displayed more comprehensively and systematically in front of readers . Hope this research can be contributive to TCFL especially to the vocabulary teaching .

  18. 经过数十年努力,对外汉语教学研究成果卓著,而且按技能设课已受到各方面重视。

    After decades of efforts , the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language has achieved outstanding results , and all the people has paid attention to setting up courses according to the skills .

  19. 近年来,随着学习汉语的外国人的数量不断攀升,对外汉语教学研究的内容也越来越广,有关对外汉语的理论也渐渐地增多和深入。

    In recent years , with the rapidly increasing number of Chinese learning , it gets broad and in-depth space for the research and the theory of The Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language .

  20. 第一部分简要概述了语气副词的研究现状,并说明了结合对外汉语详尽研究单个语气副词的重要性和必要性。

    Part I gives a brief account of the current situation of studying Chinese modality adverbs , and illustrates the importance and necessity of studying every modality adverb in teaching Chinese as a foreign language .

  21. 本文旨在通过对教师问话的语用分析为言语行为理论研究和对外汉语教学研究提供一定的启示。

    The article is designed to offer some inspiration to the research on the theory of speech acts and TCFL ( teaching Chinese as a foreign language ) through the pragmatic analysis of teachers ' questioning .

  22. 这不但对语内研究、语际研究有一定的参考价值,而且对对外汉语教学研究、第二语言教学及翻译工作都可以做出应有的贡献。

    This study not only has some reference value to the interlingual and intralingual research , but also contributes to the studies of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language , Second Language Teaching , and translation practice .

  23. 在近几年的对外汉语教学研究中,越来越多的学者注意到练习题在对外汉语教材中的,尤其是汉语口语教材中练习题的作用。

    In recent researches on teaching Chinese as foreign language ( TCFL ), more and more scholars begin to be aware of that the exercises play an important role in the textbooks , especially in the oral textbooks .

  24. 语法化问题是近年来对外汉语教学研究中非常热门的话题,因为它既反映了有着漫长历史的汉语的演变历程,又是汉语文化要义的典型化反映。

    The Grammaticalization problem is a very hot topic in recent years for Chinese teaching for foreigners and Chinese theory researching , because it reflects the evolution of Chinese with a long history and also typical reflections of Chinese essential culture .

  25. 对外汉语修辞研究,是随着对外汉语教学的日益发展而逐渐兴起的一个研究方面,是现代汉语修辞研究面临的一个全新的课题。

    The study of Chinese language for foreigners ' rhetoric is a part , accompanying with the increasing development of Chinese language for foreigners teaching . It is a brand new topic faced by research for modern Chinese language for foreigners ' rhetoric .

  26. 作为将语体学相关理论与对外汉语教学研究相结合的一次尝试,本文探讨的核心问题是高级阶段留学生书面语体意识培养的必要性和可行性。

    Regarded as an attempt of combining of the theory related to stylistic and the research of TCSL , the key problem that this thesis discusses is to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the cultivation of written Chinese stylistic consciousness of advanced foreign students .

  27. 对外汉语语体研究是一个新的研究热点,有重要的理论和实践意义,本研究探讨和研究的是基于书面语的中级阶段对外汉语阅读理解教学。

    The style research on the external Chinese is a new research hot spot and has important theoretical and practical significance . In this paper , we explore and investigate the teaching of reading comprehension in external Chinese based on the written language for intermediate stage .

  28. 第二部分具体分析了三个表强度的程度副词基本特征和内部差异,并对几组意义相近的程度副词从程度量和用法上进行分析、比较,为对外汉语教学研究提供理论基础。

    The second part makes a concrete analysis on basic characteristics and inner differences of three groups of high degree adverb . And also compares and analyzes the degree and using ways of the high degree adverb to find their differences , supplies the theory base for TCFL .

  29. 20世纪80年代初以来,对外汉语语音研究逐渐从经验型描述向实用型研究转变,当前对外汉语语音研究和教学还面临三个问题:(1)语音对比研究的范围相对较窄;

    This article reviews the achievements in the research and teaching of Chinese speech sounds in TCFL since the 1980s , which reveals the trait from experience description to practical research , and points out three existing problems : ( 1 ) a limited contrastive research on speech sounds ;

  30. 本课题着重多层面多角度地对轻重音问题进行进一步的探讨,希望能对词汇和语法层面的一些语言现象作出合理的阐释,能为语言基础理论的研究及对外汉语教学研究提供新的思路。

    The present study mainly discuss light and strong tone from different perspectives , hoping to give a reasonable explanation to some language phenomenon about lexical and grammatical level , and accordingly provide some new ideas for the studies of linguistic theories and teaching Chinese as a foreign language .