
hán suān
  • sorry;scrubby;miserable and shabby;(of a poor scholar in the old days) miserable and shabby
寒酸 [hán suān]
  • [(of a poor scholar in the old days) miserable and shabby] 形容贫苦读书人的穷困、窘态

  • 寒酸气

寒酸[hán suān]
  1. 在旅行中,有许多办法既可以减少开销又不至于显得寒酸。

    There are plenty of ways you can cut costs on your trip without slumming .

  2. 别这么吝啬布料,不然做出来的窗帘会显得特寒酸。

    Don 't be mean with fabric , otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy .

  3. 你的衣着显得有点寒酸。

    You look rather shabby in those clothes .

  4. 灰熊、快船、热火以及山猫等球队甚至给AI提供寒酸的合同条件,如低薪水、当替补。

    Even teams like Grizzlies , Clippers , Heats or Bobcats offer tough conditions for AI , low salary and substitute .

  5. 还想用个寒酸的接待会羞辱我

    And you tried to humiliate me with that little reception .

  6. 琳达站在衣着时髦的安德烈娅旁边感觉自己很寒酸。

    Linda felt shabby standing next to Andrea in her fashionable clothes .

  7. 她同母亲一样,对贫困寒酸的日子深恶痛绝。

    She hated dinginess as much as her mother had hated it .

  8. 根据衣着寒酸这一点可以把他们认出来。

    They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress .

  9. 比她嫁的那个男人寒酸多了。

    And a heap lower than the man she married .

  10. 你穿得这么寒酸是想要吸引谁的注意呀?

    Who are you trying to attract dressed in that skimpy outfit ?

  11. 这玩意儿可会让她显得很寒酸。

    This thing gonna make her neck turn green .

  12. 那女孩穿着寒酸(华丽)的衣服。

    The girl was poorly ( well ) dressed .

  13. 房里显出一副破满户的寒酸相。

    The room presented the appearance of a wreck .

  14. 你在这只是个寒酸的皇宫书吏。

    Here you are but a poor Palace scribe .

  15. 在这种经济情况下,我唯一能找到的就是这么寒酸的工作。

    This was the only crummy job I could find in this economy .

  16. 肯尼科特的住宅又阴暗又寒酸。

    Kennicott 's house is barren and gloomy .

  17. 他住的是一间极其寒酸的小房间。

    We have a very nice suite with one bedroom and a living room .

  18. 她似乎宁肯坐那辆简陋寒酸的马车。

    She would have preferred the humble cart .

  19. 她认为她自己也很寒酸。

    She thought of herself as also shabby .

  20. adj.藐视的那富人看不起我寒酸的家和穷苦的环境。

    contemptuous The rich man is contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings .

  21. 这究竟是个什么人?为什么,荷包里有那么多的钱,而衣服又穿得这样寒酸?

    Why this hideous costume , when he had so much money in his purse ?

  22. 我的母亲停止给我寄钱之后,我的日子过得非常寒酸。

    I 've been living on a shoestring since my mother stopped sending me money .

  23. 小码头一带都是寒酸凋敝的小巷,住着渔民和穷人。

    Round the little harbour were shabby streets in which lived fishermen and poor people .

  24. 不太寒酸保持这一点你会进前十的

    Not too shabby , keep this up , you 'll finish in the top ten

  25. 那我就是不知道如何穿着的寒酸的小红帽

    I 'm gonna be the dowdy redhead who doesn 't know how to dress .

  26. 与您的相比真是寒酸不堪啊。

    It 's so parltry in comparison .

  27. 这女孩衣着寒酸。

    The girl was poorly dressed .

  28. 这地方看上去太寒酸了,他觉得无法忍受。

    It was such a cheap looking place he felt that he could not abide it .

  29. 他们在一个农家的寒酸的农场上呆了一天一夜。

    They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farm .

  30. 他穿着最寒酸的衣服去参加聚会,毫无场合意识!

    He wore his shabbiest clothes to the party : he has no sense of occasion !