
  • 【地名】【巴勒斯坦·以色列】Gethsemane
  1. 我们甚至可以说,祂在客西马尼园向耶稣说「不」。

    We could say He said no to Christ in Gethsemane .

  2. 我以耶稣在客西马尼园的夜晚,作为在难关中祷告的典范。

    As a template for prayers in crisis , I look at Jesus'night in Gethsemane .

  3. 在客西马尼园里,十一个门徒里面,有八个被留在后面不做甚么。

    In the Garden of Gethsemane eight of the eleven disciples were left to do nothing .

  4. 主愿我们有像祂在客西马尼园的得胜者的祷告!阿们!

    The Lord desires us to have the prayer of an overcomer ! The Prayer in Gethsemane ! Amen !

  5. 我们觉得它们不容易理解,因为它们引领我们进到一个类似客西马尼园的地方。

    We find them a little hard to understand because they take us into places like the Garden of Gethsemane .

  6. 这三个门徒也见证了睚鲁的女儿得医治并且耶稣在客西马尼园祷告的时候也要他们一起。

    These three disciples were also present at Jairus daughter healing and were asked to pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane .

  7. 祂在客西马尼园被捉拿后,首先被带到曾当大祭司的亚那面前。

    When He was brought from the Garden under arrest , He was firstly taken to Annas who previously had been the High Priest .

  8. 雅各是使徒中的核心圈内人物之一,他见证过耶稣的一些重大事迹,如主显圣容和耶稣在客西马尼园中忧伤祈祷。

    As a member of the inner circle of disciples , he witnessed the major events in the ministry of Jesus , including the Transfiguration and the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane .