
  • 网络practice standard
  1. 对于每一个构成一个良好过程的部分,都会有一个最佳的行业实践标准(SPEM),而RationalMethodComposer正是建立在SPEM的基础之上。

    There is an industry best practice standard ( SPEM ) for what constitutes a good process , and Rational Method Composer is based on SPEM .

  2. 试论党的三代领导集体对实践标准的创新和发展

    Renovation and Development of Practice Standard on the Three Generations Party Leadership

  3. 正因为如此,UML很快地成为了一个广泛的实践标准。

    Because of that , UML very quickly became a widely practiced standard .

  4. 在讲授新概念的时候,作者在Java和Rails实例中使用了许多商业环境中所要求的实践标准。

    While teaching the new concepts , the authors use many practice standards that are expected in a business environment in both their Java and Rails examples .

  5. 在使用各种程序处理XML近十年之后,主要的开发人员认为应该提出一种最佳实践标准,描述对XML处理建模的方式。

    After almost a decade of experience with programs that process XML , leading developers have decided it 's time to come up with standard best practices for how to model the processing of XML .

  6. 我国建立临床护理实践标准的意义

    The significance of establishing standards for clinical nursing practice in China

  7. 实践标准是实事求是的检测要素。

    The standard of practice is the element of back-check .

  8. 论“三个有利于”对实践标准的深化和发展

    " Three Favorables " : A Developed Criterion for Truth

  9. 也谈真理标准与实践标准

    Also on Both the Criterion of Truth and the Criterion of Practice

  10. 生产力标准与实践标准属于不同的范畴。

    The productivity standard is different to practical standard .

  11. 实践标准大讨论的历史渊源和哲学意蕴

    The Historical Origins and Philosophical Significance of the Great Discussion on Practice Criterion

  12. 她因没有遵守公认的医疗实践标准而受到指责。

    She was charged with failing to conform to accepted standards of medical practice .

  13. 实践标准的逻辑问题

    Logical problem of practical standard of truth

  14. 关于实践标准的主体向度问题

    About subjective dimension of the practice criterion

  15. 理解马克思主义与实践标准

    Practical Standard and Comprehending the Marxism

  16. 治疗为支持性治疗并与动物感染病毒的兽医实践标准保持一致。

    Treatment is supportive and consistent with standard veterinary practices for animals infected with a viral agent .

  17. 最后深入阐述了学校过错认定的理性标准和实践标准。

    Finally , it makes deep description of rational and practical standards which can identify school faults .

  18. 否定实践标准在检验司法证明真理性方面的作用,将使司法证明的目的和标准不具有确定性。

    Without the test of practice , the aim and the standards of judicial proof will become indefinite .

  19. 生产力标准并非实践标准的具体运用肢体残疾人使用板式家具的设计实践

    The Productivity Standard-not the Realistic Application of Practical Standard ; Design Practice of Panel Furniture for Physically Disabled

  20. 而主客体相互作用中客体对主体的效应(具体而言是实践标准、实效标准),构成了科学的价值标准。

    This paper argues that scientific criteria of value should be based on the interrelation of subject and object .

  21. 所以,作为检验科学理论的实践标准不能局限于科学观察和科学实验,科学理论还必须接受生产和生活实践的广泛检验。

    The scientific theory is tested not only by the scientific watching but also by the practising of producing and living .

  22. 对象当何改的问题也不是靠实践标准,而是靠价值目标解决的。

    As for the second question , the answer lies not in the criterion of practice but in the goal of value .

  23. 司法证明的真理性属于实践标准检验范围。

    The truthfulness of judicial proof does not go beyond the scope of the truth , which should be tested by the practice .

  24. 当不能正确使用肠外营养和未使用当前的实践标准时,这些并发症更为常见。

    Such complications are much more common when parenteral nutrition is not properly administered and when current standards of practice are not applied .

  25. 用模型驱动的方法把最佳实践标准化,可以加快开发速度,并能够在接口与信息结构之间建立起更好的一致性。

    A model driven approach to standardize best practices will also accelerate development and provide for further consistency across interfaces and informational structures .

  26. 李世蓉教授获博士学位归国以来,一直致力于提高中国建筑业项目管理的实践标准和国际化水平。

    Professor LiShiRong degree since returning to improve China 's construction , has been committed to the practice of project management and international standards .

  27. 由于使用最佳的实践标准可以增加产品质量:更加合适的需求,设计以及代码检查;更加有效的测试等等。

    Increased product quality due to use of best practice standards & more appropriate requirements , design , and code reviews ; more effective testing ; etc.

  28. 生产力标准揭示了社会主义根本价值手段,是社会主义根本价值标准;实践标准揭示了探索和实现社会主义价值的根本途径,是社会主义价值的终极评价标准。

    The practice criterion , which tells us the basic approach to exploring and achieving socialist value , is the absolute judging criterion of socialist value .

  29. 三个代表的思想是对实践标准的新发展,指明了社会主义实践和党的实践的基本目标;

    The thought of the Three Represents is the newest development of the standard of practice , which indicates the basic targets for socialist practice and CPC ' construction .

  30. 在创造成果部分,阐述了检验创造成果的三个主要标准:形式逻辑分析、实践标准和审美标准。

    Were partial in the creation achievement , elaborated the examination creation achievement three main standards : The formal logic analysis , the practice is standard and the esthetic standard .