
  • 网络Baby come home;baby home;Baby Back Home
  1. 宝贝回家寻子网或方舟寻子网等组织都建立了网站,以发布失踪儿童的信息。

    Organisations such as Baby Come Home or The Ark run websites with information on missing children .

  2. 好了宝贝回家吧

    Come on , baby . Let 's head home .

  3. 我花上我的毕生寻找那些碎片,所以我能够带我的宝贝回家

    I spent my entire life searching for the missing pieces so that I could deliver my baby .

  4. 儿子吵着要跟妈妈一起去,又哭又闹,吵个不停。妻子没有办法,只好弯腰哄他,说:“我的小宝贝,回家去吧!妈妈去了就回来,一回来就杀猪给你吃。”

    Their son wanted to go together with her . He made a row , crying and fussing him , saying : " My darling , go home now . Mama will be back soon . When I 'm back , I 'll kill the pig to make a meal for you . "

  5. 她迫不及待地把购得的宝贝带回家试穿。

    She couldn 't wait to get her booty home and try it on .

  6. 想象你今晚把那宝贝带回家。

    Imagine taking that bad boy home tonight .

  7. 我们把小宝贝带回家后,我很怕做错事情。

    that 's for sure . After we took the baby home , I was nervous about doing something wrong .

  8. 她匆匆忙忙地把她的宝贝儿子带回家。

    She hurried back to their home with her precious son .

  9. 宝贝你现在回家了不是在医院

    Honey , you 're home now . You 're not in the hospital .

  10. 你的宝贝儿子要回家啦。

    Your baby boy 's coming home .

  11. “对不起,宝贝,今天回家晚了,”他说。

    " I 'm sorry , I was late getting home , honey ," he said .

  12. 把你的宝贝老婆送回家吧。

    Take your precious wife home .

  13. 他左看右看,认为这是一件宝贝,急忙拿回家去,用丝绢包了起来。包了一层又一层,一连包了几十层,才把它放进皮匣子。

    He examined it over and over and regarded it as a treasure . He quickly took it home , wrapped it up in dozens of silk layers , then put it in a leather box .

  14. ingoodcondition状况良好,这里指完璧归赵。(这句是说,我们各司其职,我负责把法国号安全送回家,你也要把我的宝贝货物安全送回家,thatpreciouscargothere就是说话人的女儿。)

    I will make sure that this horn gets home in good condition and you do the same with that precious cargo there .