
  • 网络gemology;Gemmology;FGA
  1. MPV-3显微光度计在宝石学中的应用

    Application of MPV-3 microphotometer in Gemology

  2. 中国宝石学研究十年新进展

    New development in Gemology study in China in the past decade

  3. 同步辐射X射线形貌术在宝石学中的应用

    Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Topography in Gemmology

  4. SEM在宝石学中的应用

    The application of scanning electron microscope in Gemmology

  5. SEM在宝石学中的应用我国东部蓝宝石的宝石学特征

    THE APPLICATION OF SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IN GEMMOLOGY Gemological Characteristics of the Sapphire in Eastern China

  6. 水热红宝石的晶体结构、化学成分及其它宝石学特点均同天然红宝石相似,但水热法合成红宝石Cr2O3含量明显偏低于天然红宝石,此外V2O5的含量也较低。

    Crystal structure , chemical composition and other gemological properties of hydrothermal rubies are similar to that of natural rubies , Cr 2O 3 percentage is clearly lower than that of natural rubies as for the V 2O 5 is a little lower than the natural one ′ s.

  7. 宝石学研究的一个重要方面是它的异常光学现象。

    The Unusual phenomena in gems are the unusual optical ones .

  8. 高档宝石晶体的水热法生长、宝石学特征及其发展前景&刚玉类和绿柱石类宝石晶体

    Research and Development of High-quality Gemstone Crystals Grown by Hydrothermal Method

  9. 产学合作教育与宝石学学科建设

    Education of learning combined with production and construction of gemmology discipline

  10. 国内外宝石学教育对比研究

    The Comparison of the Gemological Education between Chinese and Some Foreign Institutions

  11. 宝石学包裹体概念及玉石包体分类

    The Concept of Inclusion in Gemology and the Category of Jade Enclave

  12. 青海某地软玉的宝石学特征

    Gemological characteristics of nephrite in a certain area , qinghai

  13. 一种柠檬色蛇纹石玉的宝石学特征及颜色成因

    Gemological characteristics and color formation of a lemon-yellow serpentine jade

  14. 浙江省非叶蜡石型青田石的宝石学研究

    Study on Gemmology of Non-Pyrophyllite-Type Qingtian Stone from Zhejiang Province

  15. 广西某矿区托帕石的宝石学特征

    The characteristics of gemology of topaz in a mining area , guangxi

  16. 水晶类宝石的热释光特征及其宝石学意义

    Thermoluminescent Characteristics of Rock Crystals and Their Significance in Gemmology

  17. 海南蓝宝石的宝石学特征及质量评价

    Characteristic of jewelry science and quality analysis of Hainan Sapphire

  18. 河北阜平变色萤石的宝石学特征研究

    Study on Gemological Characteristics of Fluorite with Alexandrite Effect in Fuping , Hebei

  19. 云南硅化木的宝石学特征

    The characteristics of gemology of petrified wood , Yunnan

  20. 翡翠的矿物组成及其宝石学意义

    Mineral component of jadeite and its gemological significance

  21. 阐述了核辐照技术在宝石学中的应用原理和方法。

    The application principles and methods are demonstrated of nuclear radiation technique in gemmology .

  22. 激光诱导离解光谱技术及其宝石学应用

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Its Application in Gemmology

  23. 四川平武绿柱石宝石学特征研究

    Gemmology of Beryl from Pingwu , Sichuan Province

  24. 波谱分析技术已被成功地应用于宝石学研究和宝石鉴定领域。

    The spectral analysis techniques have been applied to the gemological study and gemstone identification .

  25. 四川平武绿柱石宝石学及辐照赋色机理研究

    Study on gemmology of beryl gem from Pingwu Sichuan and mechanism of irradiation inducing coloration

  26. 哪个商业技能和宝石学配合最佳?

    Which professions work well with jewelcrafting ?

  27. 宝石学能给物品拼增加镶嵌槽么?

    Can jewelcrafters add sockets to items ?

  28. 拉曼光谱显微镜在宝石学中的应用简介

    Application of Raman Spectral Microscope in Gemmology

  29. 核辐照技术在宝石学中的应用

    Application of Nuclear Radiation Technique in Gemmology

  30. 流体包裹体研究在宝石学中的应用

    Overview on Fluid-Inclusion Application in Gemology