- 网络habitable zone;Goldilocks zone

Located 1400 light-years from our planet , NASA called it " Earth 2.0 , " because it 's the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun 。
The new world - dubbed LHS 1140b - is ten times closer to its parent star than Earth but because a red dwarf is far cooler than our own yellow dwarf , the planet still sits in the habitable zone .
The newly-discovered planet g , however , lies right in the middle of the habitable zone .
This " super-Earth " is a recently discovered exoplanet that is in its star 's habitable zone .
' This is the first validated Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of another star , ' said Dr. Quintana .
Experts report that there are already more than 700 exoplanets discovered , but only a few are in the habitable zone .
Both its Earthlike size and its location in the habitable zone are what make Kepler-186f a more likely candidate to accommodate life .
Even so , scientists have confirmed that Kepler-452b is located in its star 's habitable zone , along with several companion exoplanets .
Although all the exoplanets in this system are legitimate candidates to host alien life , three in particular are soundly in what is called the habitable zone .
This moon could potentially harbor life but possibly not in the sense that we think . Titan does not exactly fit the description of being in a typical habitable zone .
GJ 581d is believed to be the first planet outside our solar system in the Goldilocks zone around its star an area not too hot and not too cold for life .
Kepler-186f is an exoplanet orbiting the star Kepler-186 about 500 light-years from Earth . Discovered in 2014 , it is the first Earth-size exoplanet found to be orbiting in its star 's habitable zone .
In some ways , this Earth would resemble one of the tidally locked exoplanets commonly found in a red dwarf star 's habitable zone , but a better comparison might be a very early Venus .
Other experts , though , cautioned that the planet orbits at the outer edge of that habitable zone , where it likely receives about the same amount of light as Mars in our own solar system .
This is the area around a host star where an Earthlike exoplanet is capable of forming liquid water , assuming that all life-forms , like those on Earth , do in fact need water to survive .