
guān bīng
  • officers and men;officers and soldiers;government troops
官兵 [guān bīng]
  • (1) [officers and soldiers]∶军队中的官与兵

  • (2) [government troops]∶旧称政府的军队

官兵[guān bīng]
  1. 不得不将150名官兵直接送往了医院。

    150 officers and men had to be taken straight to hospital .

  2. 伙食保障社会化条件下官兵生活补贴探讨

    Living allowances of officers and men in the socialization of food support

  3. 载着部队官兵的40多辆装甲车被派往该地区。

    More than forty armoured vehicles carrying troops have been sent into the area .

  4. 在起航前“卡德”号和僚舰上的官兵已在卡萨布兰卡吃了圣诞晚餐。

    The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing .

  5. 官兵的精神和锐气高得惊人。

    Spirit and dash shown by commanders and troops have been remarkable .

  6. Steven等对军队心理健康门诊就诊官兵进行调查发现,军人的心理问题大多来源于情绪障碍。

    It was investigated that mental problems of soldiers were mostly from emotion obstacles ;

  7. 目的:探讨驻衡官兵慢性末端回肠炎(CTI)的发病情况及临床转归。

    Objective To research the conditions of chronic terminal ileitis ( CTI ) and its clinical course .

  8. 结论:集训部队官兵维生素B2营养状况不理想,应进一步调整膳食结构,适当增加富含维生素B2的食物或采用其它补给方法。

    Conclusion : The status of Vitamin B_2 was not very good and food that rich of Vitamin B_2 should be increased .

  9. 结果军演后参演官兵SCL-90各因子分显著高于军队常模(P<0.01);

    Results The SCL-90 factor scores of the study objects were significantly higher than that of Chinese military personnel norms ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 武警官兵生活质量各领域得分与PSQI各成分得分均呈负相关关系。

    The scores of the four domains of the quality of life were correlated with the scores of PSQI negatively .

  11. 结果SCL-90测试结果显示:在平时和实弹训练期间,属于胆汁质和抑郁质类型的官兵与属于多血质和黏液质官兵的得分存在显著差异;

    Result SCL-90 showed that there was significant difference between choleric temperament , melancholic temperament and sanguine temperament , phlegmatic temperament at usual and during live ammunition training limes .

  12. 方法:采用精神卫生自评表(SCL-90)对1000名官兵进行群体调查。结果:特种兵团SCL-90总分明显高于国内常模;

    Methods : To investigate 1 000 soldiers in a special camp by SCL-90 . Results : The total score of the special soldiers are higher than that of countrywide norm .

  13. 方法:采用国际疾病分类方法(ICD-10)[1]进行统计分类,计算1998年地震灾害救援官兵疾病发病率并对原因进行分析。

    Methods : Using the international classification of disease ( ICD-10 ) and classify and count the data of the disease .

  14. 方法:采用明尼苏达多项个性问卷(MMPI)和精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)对某部111名维和官兵进行测验。

    METHODS : Totally 111 peacekeeping officers and soldiers of a certain troop were tested by using Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) and Symptom CheckList 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  15. 方法应用霍兰德职业兴趣问卷修订版和卡特尔16种个性因素测验(16PF)同时对陆海空军639名现役官兵进行测量。

    Methods 639 soldiers were assessed with HLD ( the developed edition ) and Cattell the Sixteen Personality Factor Test ( 16PF ) .

  16. 方法用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和卡特尔16项人格因素问卷(16PF)对1204名官兵进行测试及相关分析。

    Methods To investigate 1205 soldiers with Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and 16 personality factor ( 16PF ) questionnaire , and to analyze the correlation between personality and mental health .

  17. 结果:急进高原官兵的SCL-90总分、阳性项目数及应对方式中的消极应对因子分不同高度间自身对比差异显著(P<0.01),并且SCL-90总分及阳性项目数分别与消极应对因子分呈正相关。

    RESULTS : There was a significant difference from own control according to different altitude in the total score and the positive entry number of SCL-90 , the score of negative coping factor ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 结果边海防军人的SCL90总分和阳性项目数显著高于对照组(P均0.01),亚健康人员也显著高于对照组(城市后勤机关官兵P0.01);

    Results There were more positive items in the SCL-90s in the frontier defense servicemen than in the control group so that their SCL-90 total score was higher ( P0.01 ) . And the number of the servicemen with subhealth was more than that of the controls .

  19. 方法采用UBIS3000型定量超声仪,对115名官兵跟骨进行定量超声测定,同时用化学发光免疫法测定尿脱氧吡啶酚(DPD)排泄浓度。

    Methods Calcaneal quantitative ultrasound ( QUS ) were measured using UBIS 3000 QUS instrument and the concentration of urine deoxypyridinoline ( DPD ) was assayed by enzyme linked immunosorbent in 115 soldiers and officers stayed at altitude for 2 months .

  20. 方法从智力、人格和心理健康三个维度分别使用《长鞍团体智力测验》、《艾森克人格问卷》《SCL90》对武警部队官兵1200人进行测试。

    Methods A total of 1200 armed polices were assessed in three dimensions , which are intelligence , personality and mental health by Chang-An Group Intelligence Test , EPQ and SCL-90 respectively .

  21. 教育官兵养成良好的心理素质和个人卫生习惯,调整好劳动训练强度,是预防FGID发病的主要措施。

    Encouraging the military officers and soldiers develop good psychological disposition and personal hygienic habit , and adjusting the intensity of training is the main measure for prevention and treatment of FGID .

  22. 目的调查某部官兵睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(SAHS)的患病率,为进一步了解移居不同海拔高度不同时间人群的患病情况提供参照,并为制定该病的防治策略提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome ( SAHS ) in the servicemen living at an altitude of 1 400 meters in order to provide data for estimating the disease and make strategies for treating and preventing it .

  23. 方法:应用SCL90症状自评量表分别对武警反恐分队官兵与普通官兵进行测评,进行组间对比分析。

    METHODS : The symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) was employed to evaluate the mental health status of officers and soldiers in anti-terrorism units of armed police forces and their peers in other forces , and the intergroup comparison and analysis were conducted .

  24. 中国曾提出请求,希望日本允许深圳号驱逐舰的官兵参观日军一艘宙斯盾级(Aegis-class)驱逐舰。但知情人士表示,五角大楼告诉日本,鉴于小鹰号事件,这样做不合适。

    China had requested that the sailors on the Shenzhen be allowed to tour an Aegis-class destroyer , but a person familiar with the Japanese decision said the Pentagon had told Japan that the move would not be appropriate , given the Kitty Hawk incident .

  25. 救援官兵心理健康状况及组织影响因素分析

    A study of mental health and organizational factors of rescue soldiers

  26. 根据官兵需要主动为部队服务

    Serving Actively for Army to Meet Needs of Cadres and Soldiers

  27. 陆海野战演练陆军官兵心理健康状况调查

    Mental Health of the Military Men During Land and Sea Field-training

  28. 空军某部官兵心理健康状况调查报告

    A survey report on mental health of certain air force soldiers

  29. 你是官兵,我是强盗。

    You 're a soldier , and I 'm a bandit .

  30. 远程医学在基层官兵健康保障中的作用

    Roles of telemedicine in health keeping of grassroots officers and soldiers