
  • 网络Macroeconomic Equilibrium
  1. 货币、金融与宏观经济均衡模型

    General model on money , finance and macroeconomic equilibrium

  2. 基于汇率政策在实现宏观经济均衡中的重要性和有效性,本文着重分析我国现行的固定汇率制度与内部均衡所要达到的经济目标之间的相关性。

    In view of the importance and effectiveness of exchange rate policy to the accomplishment of macroeconomic equilibrium , this article mainly analyzes the correlation between China 's current fixed exchange rate system and the economic objects of internal equilibrium .

  3. 1996年以来外国直接投资(FDI)大量输入中国,它对宏观经济均衡的影响与日俱增。

    A great deal of foreign directly investment ( FDI ) has been imported to China since 1996 , which influences the Macroscopic Economy management increasingly .

  4. 关税和汇率政策配合与宏观经济均衡研究

    Tariffs and exchange rate policy research of the balance of macroeconomy

  5. 汇率的宏观经济均衡分析法和人民币均衡汇率分析

    A Study on the Trend of Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB

  6. 外国直接投资与宏观经济均衡

    Foreign Directly Investment and Macroscopic Economy Management

  7. 危机应对措施是否与世行关于审慎财政制度和宏观经济均衡的一般性规定相矛盾?

    Q.Has the response to the crisis contradicted the usual World Bank prescriptions for fiscal prudence and macroeconomic balance ?

  8. 微观经济主体理性化行为理论、市场机制理论、宏观经济均衡运作理论构成了市场经济的三大理论基石。

    The theory of micro-economy subject in rational action , the theory of market mechanism and the theory of macro-economy operation in balance constitute the foundation of the three theories of market economy .

  9. 但是,马克思的增长理论是以劳动价值论为基础的,它揭示了宏观经济均衡的真正条件是劳动力报酬的增长率应等于经济增长率。

    However , the Marx 's growth theory is based upon the labor value theory , which maintains that the macro equilibrium is conditioned on that the growth rate of labor returns equals to the economic growth rate .

  10. 根据理论界研究韵侧重点不同,从均衡汇率的宏观经济均衡分析方法、均衡汇率的决定、均衡汇率的测算、人民币均衡汇率研究的理论层面和实证层面,对相关理论及文献进行了介绍与评论。

    According to the various emphasizing points of different theories , we made a commentary from such aspects as the macro equilibrium analysis method , the determination of equilibrium exchange rate , the calculation of equilibrium exchange rate , the theoretical analysis and estimating analysis of RMB equilibrium exchange rate .

  11. 本文以扩展的WassilyLeontief投入产出表为统计基础,结合最优化理论,建立动态反污染控制目标约束下的宏观经济系统均衡增长轨道计算模型,以及宏观经济系统最优增长轨道计算模型。

    This article puts the expanding Wassily Leontief 's input-output form as a statistical basis , and combines the optimization theory to establish a macro-economic balanced increase model under binded by dynamic anti-contaminating control target , and a macro-economic optimum increase model .

  12. 宏观经济内部均衡与外部均衡的统一

    The Unity of Macroeconomy 's Outward Equilibrium and Inward Equilibrium

  13. 基于全息调节理论的一个过渡时期宏观经济非均衡模型

    A Transitional Period Based on Complete Adjustment Theory

  14. 中国宏观经济非均衡模型

    Models of Disequilibrium for Chinese Macroeconomic

  15. 高投资率会导致宏观经济不均衡、经济粗放增长。

    The fluctuation of macro-economic cycle and extensive economic growth is the result of high investment ratio .

  16. 价格稳定是宏观经济内部均衡的重要指标之一,也是各国宏观经济政策所追求的重要目标。

    Price stability is an important side of the inner equilibrium of macro economy , and a major desired goal of macroeconomic policies in all countries .

  17. 外商直接投资已经成为世界经济互相联系、互相依赖的基本途径和开放宏观经济内外均衡发展的重要组成部分。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has developed into a basic method of global economic communication and functions an important role in balancing national economy .

  18. 作为开放经济中的相对价格,汇率是衡量一国或地区对外经济活动最重要的综合性指标,对于宏观经济内外均衡的实现具有重要意义。

    As a core economic relative variable in an open economy , exchange rate acts a very important role in the realization of macro-economic and external balance .

  19. 即使在放弃马克思的基本假定后,资本主义经济长期增长率依然呈下降趋势,这说明马克思的假定是宏观经济长期均衡增长的必要条件。

    With this assumption being dismissed , the growth rate of capitalist economy still showed a tendency of decline in the long run , which proved that Marx 's hypothesis is the prerequisite for long-term equilibrium growth of macro-economy .

  20. 汇率的波动对进出口贸易、国际资本流动、国内物价水平、以及就业水平等都有着极大的影响,因而关系着一国宏观经济内外均衡的实现。

    The fluctuation of exchange rate has great influences on the international trade ; international capital flow ; domestic general price level ; and employment etc , and then relate to the realization of inner and outer equilibrium of macro economy .

  21. 利率市场化能够充分发挥市场在资源配置中的关键性作用,提高金融体系的运行效率、形成公平合理的竞争格局,促进整个宏观经济的均衡发展。

    Interest rate liberalization can give full play to the critical role of the market in the allocation of resources , improve the efficiency of the operation of the financial system , forming a fair competition , promote the balanced development of the whole macro economy .

  22. 大量理论和实证研究都表明,一国货币的实际汇率应该保持在合理的水平之上,持续的汇率失调会破坏宏观经济内外均衡,从而不利于经济的健康发展。

    Many theoretical and empirical studies have indicated that the real exchange rate of a currency should be kept at the reasonable level , because continuous misalignment of real exchange rate will do great harm to the inner and outer equilibrium of macro economy and the healthy development of economy .

  23. 多部门动态宏观经济模型及其均衡增长研究

    Multi-sector dynamic macroeconomic model and Research on economy balanced growth

  24. 建立了能更好描述建设投资与宏观经济的动态均衡模型。

    From this model , the construction investment elasticity of GDP are calculated .

  25. 在分析我国经济运行机制的基础上,建立了中国宏观经济的非均衡模型系统。

    Based on the analysis of move mechanism of the economy of China , the disequilibrium model system of chinese macroeconomic is established in this paper .

  26. 本文采用协整理论、灰色关联度分析等方法系统地研究了山东省电力需求和宏观经济的长期均衡关系。

    We take theory of co-integration and grey relativity analysis to make a systematic research on the long-run equilibrium relationship between power demands in Shandong province and macro economy development .

  27. 得出的结论为:汇率失调会破坏宏观经济的内外均衡,对宏观经济的稳定与经济的可持续增长构成威胁。

    The conclusion is that Exchange rate misalignment will do harm to the inner and outer equilibrium of an economy , and will threaten the stability and sustainable growth of economy .

  28. 作为开放经济中的重要价格杠杆,均衡实际汇率水平的决定对于促进宏观经济实现内外均衡具有重大的理论导向意义。

    As an important price leverage in open economy , the decision of the real exchange rate equilibrium has noticeable theoretical orientation significance to promote macroeconomic achieve the internal and external balance .

  29. 随着经济全球化趋势的加速发展,以及中国经济开放程度的不断提高,作为重要的对外经济变量,人民币汇率对于中国宏观经济及其内外均衡的重要性日渐增强。

    As the accelerated development of economic globalization trend and improvement of economic openness , the RMB exchange rate as a major foreign economic variable is important in China and its macro-economic balance .

  30. 中国FDI宏观经济效应的一般均衡分析

    General Balance Analysis on Macro-economic Efficiency of FDI in China