- Ning Hao;【人名】Hao Ning

In China , there is a young director who has been called China 's Guy Ritchie , Ning Hao .
It 's a typical road movie and you can tell that Ning Hao gave his best to capture the essential elements of one .
Ning 's storytelling skills keep you on edge throughout most of the two hours , although at times the story is so elaborate that you can 't help but wonder how it will wrap up .
That 's why he 's a member of a rare species , the dark humorist , especially when today 's young people are easily angered by social injustices but still don 't know how to cope with the humorous aspects .
Still , as they say , imitation is the sincerest form of flattery , and it 's probably the best way to learn . But , Ning isn 't just an imitator , as can be seen from Crazy Stone .