
  • 网络Ningbo rice dumpling;sweet soup balls
  1. 这种肉馅儿的宁波汤圆是所有汤圆中最受欢迎的。

    The Ningbo rice glue balls with lard stuffing are the most popular among all the rice glue balls .

  2. 随着它的不断发展和改进,这种有着特殊味道,由糯米和猪肉做馅儿的宁波汤圆就这样产生了。

    Through its continuous development and improvement , the unique flavor of Ningbo rice glue balls made of glutinous rice with lard stuffing has gradually come into being .

  3. 在1982年,宁波汤圆首次作为小吃从浙江出口到海外,而且在1997年,它还被选为“中国最好的小吃”。

    In1982 , the Ningbo rice glue balls became the first snack exported abroad from Zhejiang Province ; while in1997 , it was selected as one of the " Famous Snacks in China " .