
  • 网络student quality;quality of pupils
  1. 拓展训练在高校学生素质培养中的应用

    Application of Expansive Training to Cultivation of Student Quality in University

  2. 高职高专学生素质拓展教育体系及网络化管理

    Developing System of College Student Quality and Network Management

  3. 金属材料工程专业学生素质教育影响因素研究

    A Study of the Quality-oriented Education of Metal Material Engineering Students

  4. 高职院校学生素质拓展教育探析

    Exploration on Quality Expand Education to Students of Higher Vocational Colleges

  5. 法律文书教学与学生素质培养

    The Teaching Of Legal Writ And Cultivating The Student 's Makings

  6. 历史考察对提高学生素质的作用

    Function of Investigation into History in Improvement of Students ' Qualities

  7. 学生素质教育是教育工作者的永恒课题。

    Students quality education is a constant topic for the educators .

  8. 强化技能训练提高学生素质

    To strengthen skill training and enhance the qualities of students

  9. 本文从计算方法这门课的研究对象和特点出发,论述了它在工科学生素质教育中占有重要的地位;

    According to the objects of study and feature of computational method .

  10. 加强实验室建设,全面提高学生素质

    Strengthening laboratory construction and improving students ' quality in an all-round way

  11. 注重发现型教法培养学生素质

    Lay Stress on Teaching Method of Discovery to Cultivate Students ′ Quality

  12. 依托双语教学模式促进学生素质全面提高

    To Develop Student 's Multi-abilities in Bilingual Teaching Mode

  13. 中小学图书馆与学生素质教育探索

    Probe into the Middle and Primary School Library and Students ' Quality Education

  14. 建筑结构实验改革是土木工程专业学生素质化教育的主要途径。

    The reformation of structure experiment is the essential way for civil engineering students .

  15. 实施开放实验提高学生素质

    Opening up Experiment to Improve Students ' Quality

  16. 改革两课教学强化学生素质

    Reform the Teaching of " Two Public Political Courses " Enhance Students ' Quality

  17. 小议档案在学生素质教育中的作用与方法

    A Discussion on the Usages and Methods of Archives in Students ' Quality Education

  18. 浅述微型化学实验与学生素质教育

    On Microscale Chemical Experiments and Quality Education

  19. 农科院校学生素质教育的探索与实践

    Practice and Reflection of the Ways of Strengthening Quality Education for Students in Agricultural Universities

  20. 大学物理实验对学生素质的提高起到很重要的作用。

    College physical experiments play an important part in the improvement of the students ' quality .

  21. 方法:角色扮演运用于学生素质教育及外科护理教学实践浅析。

    Methods Analyzed the practice of role play in quality education and teaching of surgical nursing .

  22. 构建高校心理素质教育模式促进学生素质整体发展

    On the Construction of Psychological Quality Education Mode to Promote the Overall Development of Students ' Quality in University

  23. 目的提高护生的人文修养水平,推进护理专业学生素质教育过程。

    Objective To improve nurse student ' ss humane quality and enhance the quality education process of nursing majored students .

  24. 心理健康教育和思想政治教育是全面提高学生素质的两种主要途径。

    The education of healthy psychology and effective ideological work are two essential approaches to raise the students ' qualities .

  25. 方法:加强素质培养和教育,以及如何提高医学学生素质。

    Methods To strengthen the quality training and education to the medical students and to discuss how to improve medical students'quality .

  26. 新时期高校政工干部自身的素质如何,这对推进学生素质教育将起到十分重要的作用。

    Political cadres ' own quality plays an important role in pushing forward the students ' quality - oriented education in colleges and universities .

  27. 教师信念影响他们的知觉、判断,进一步指导着教育教学实践,从而影响着学生素质的培养。

    Teachers ' beliefs influence their perceptions and judgments , further guidance on teaching practice , thus affecting the quality of the training of students .

  28. 兴趣、创新、德育相结合是全面提高学生素质的新的教学模式。

    The method of combining " interest , creation and moral education " in teaching is a new mode for the all-round cultivation of students ' qualities .

  29. 这不仅要求我们要搞好各项基础教学工作,而且还要致力开展各项教育实验活动,全面提高学生素质。

    It requires that we do well in fundamental teaching and that we can be devoted to students ' quality education as well as other educational practice .

  30. 本文从自我调节这一维度尝试性地提出了四条抵御挫折的方法,这对高等学校的学生素质教育有一定的参考价值。

    This essay , with the introduction of self-adjustment techniques , makes an attempt to propose four countermeasures in the hope of helping develop college students ' healthy characters .