
ɡū ɡāo
  • supercilious;haughty and aloof
孤高 [gū gāo]
  • [proud loneliness] 特立高耸

  • 孤高特立

  1. 主导华尔街的人是个孤高的群体。

    The people who dominate Wall Street are a remote group .

  2. 玛丽是个冷漠孤高的人,她瞧不起所有她的同学们。

    Mary is a cold turkey . She looks down upon all her classmates .

  3. 孤高傲世的绝世风神&宋初晚唐体隐逸诗人的思想情怀

    Mind and emotion of the late Tang form secluded poets in the early Song Dynasty

  4. 这让我们感想孤高,纵然有人以为你是错的。

    Never say ," I know you better than you know yourself . " Nobody does .

  5. 真正的绘画艺术,对许多人来说是孤高和清绝的,是木然和陌生的。

    The real painting art , for many people , is an isolated and distinct , tedious and strange .

  6. 唐人在承袭前代白云意蕴的基础上又有所变化和创新,唐诗中带有隐逸倾向的白云意象主要表现出高洁渺远、闲澹孤高两个特点。

    On the basis of white cloud connotations of previous generation , Tang people made some changes and innovations with two characteristics : cleanness and distance , leisure and freedom .

  7. 虽然这一前进首要归功于亚洲人平易近自己的辛勤恳动和聪明才智,美国也为我们在促进繁荣方面阐扬的浸染感应孤高。

    And though this progress is largely due to the hard work and ingenuity of the people of Asia themselves , we in the United States are proud of the role we have played in promoting prosperity .

  8. 也就是说,孤绝与孤高的艺术正在变成为和我们越来越亲近的存在。这个情况对我们来说该是欣然接受的事。然而事实是日本水墨画并未表达出日本独特的审美。

    This is to say the aloof and exclusive art is getting closer to us , which we should accept pleasantly . However , the fact is that Japanese brush painting does not express the unique Japanese taste .

  9. 但对高级的低产量跑车制造商而言,贴牌商品是特别有利可图的一块。这些企业往往在营销上支出相对较低,同时限制他们制造的汽车数量以保持高价并维持孤高的神秘感。

    However , branded goods are a particularly profitable line for premium , low-volume sports-car producers , which typically spend relatively little on marketing and limit the number of cars they produce to keep prices high and maintain an exclusive mystique .

  10. 通过已知性别的干燥成人髋骨190副(男123副,女67副)进行研究,发现髋骨上界线的弧长、界线的弦长和孤高,以及髋臼的直径等值均存在着显著的性别差异。

    We have measured 190 dry adult 's os coxae ( 123 males , 67 females ) which sex and found that there is significant sex discrepancy in the arc length , hypotenuse length , hypotenuse hight and diameter of acetabulum of os coxae .