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  • Sun Min;【人名】Min Sun
  1. 孙敏因在一场车祸中勇救游客而获得最高奖项。

    Sun Min won the top prize after rescuing tourists in a car accident .

  2. 孙敏和他的家人在8月的旅行期间发生了严重的交通事故。

    Sun and his family were in a severe traffic accident during a trip in August .

  3. 国家地理杂志副主编孙敏,也诉说了她对雨林退化的担忧。

    Sun Min from the Chinese National Geographic , further explains her anxieties about the rainforest .

  4. 尽管自己也受了伤,孙敏依然无私地救出了八名被困在旅游大巴上的游客。

    Despite his own injuries , Sun selflessly rescued eight tourists trapped in a tour bus .