
kǒng zǐ
  • Confucius
孔子 [kǒng zǐ]
  • [Confucius] (公元前551-前479) 中国春秋末期思想家、教育家、儒家创始人。名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今山东曲阜东南)人。幼年生活贫困。学无常师,相传曾问礼于老子。50岁时任鲁国司寇,摄行相事。后同学生周游列国,终不见用。晚年致力教育事业,传弟子有3000人,著名者72人。政治上主张正名,认为君君、臣臣、父父、子子,都应名实相副,以巩固等级名分和社会秩序。提倡德治教化,反对苛政。伦理思想上宣传仁。仁是符合等级制度的言行规范,又是维护家长制的精神支柱,是品德素养恭、宽、信、敏、惠的总称。教育思想上注重学与思的结合,提出学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆和温故知新。重视因材施教。现存《论语》集录孔子言行

孔子[kǒng zǐ]
  1. 孔子的教诲为此事提供了指引。

    The sayings of Confucius offer guidance on this matter .

  2. 他们是孔子的后裔。

    They are the descendants of Confucius .

  3. 孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。

    Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages .

  4. 孔子的很多话都是至理名言。

    Confucius 's many words are wisdom .

  5. 孔子,教育领域的先驱。

    Confucius , a pioneer in the field of education .

  6. 正如孔子几千年前所说:

    As Confucius said thousands of years ago :

  7. 孔子是有史以来最为博学的教师之一。

    Confucius was one of the wisest teachers of all times .

  8. 有一次,颜渊问老师孔子为什么善于游泳和善于潜水的人可以很快学好驾船的技术。

    Once Yan Yuan asked his mentor a boat very quickly .

  9. 有一天,孔子带着弟子路过泰山。

    One day , Confucius and his disciples4 passed by Mount Tai .

  10. 饭熟后,颜回将饭献给孔子。

    When the rice was ready , Yan Hui brought it to Confucius .

  11. 孔子问:“孩子们,你们在辩论什么呀?”

    Confucius asked : " Children , what are you arguing about ? "

  12. 由于生性保守,孔子特别推崇“礼”

    Innately conservative , Confucius was fascinated by the last of these disciplines .

  13. 孔子被赞誉为伟大的思想家。

    Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker .

  14. 曾子是孔子的一个学生。

    Zeng Zi was one of Confucius .

  15. 等宰予走后,孔子就评论说:[宰予真是不仁啊

    After Zai Yu left , Confucius said , " Zai Yu is truly lacking in humaneness . "

  16. 曾子是孔子的学生,有一次,曾子的妻子准备去赶集。

    Zeng Zi was one of Confucius ' students . Once , Zeng Zi 's wife was going shopping .

  17. 孔子问:“您捕蝉捕得这么熟练,一定掌握了什么规律吧?”

    Confucius asked , " You are very skillful at catching cicadas . You must have followed some pattern . "

  18. 孔子问:“您捕蝉捕得这么熟练,一定掌握了什么规律吧?”老人回答说:

    Confucius asked : " You are very skillful at catching cicadas . You must have followed some pattern . "

  19. 饭快熟的时候,孔子看到颜回抓了一把塞进口中。

    When the rice was almost ready , Confucius saw him taking a snatch at the rice and put it into his mouth .

  20. 孔子的另一个学生西华见老师对同一问题的回答完全不同,便问孔子其中的缘故。

    Another student , Gong Xihua , noticing that Confucius ' answers to the same question were different from each other , asked why .

  21. 孔子回答说:“不行!因为你家中有父亲和哥哥需要你。”

    Confucius answered , " That is not the case ! Because you are needed in your home by your father and brother . "

  22. 有一次,孔子到东方去游说,途中见到两个小孩正在激烈地争辩着。

    Once , Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas . On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other .

  23. 两个小孩,争论不孔子无法判断谁是谁两个小孩嘲笑他说:“谁说你博学多知呢!”

    Confucius was unable to judge who was right . The two children laughed at him : " Who said you are learned3 and erudite ? "

  24. 孔子假装没有看见颜回抓饭吃,说想用这饭祭奠父亲.

    Confucius pretended that he had not seen him eating the rice , and said he wanted to use the rice as a sacrifice to his father .

  25. 给孔子驾车的马趁人不注意,在休息的时候,跑到田里吃了农民的庄稼,结果被农民扣住不放。

    The horse of Confucius1 's chariot escaped to the farmer 's field and ate the crop during the rest time . The farmer kept the horse in custody2 .

  26. 孔子周游列国时,在陈蔡地界被当地人团团围住,师徒一行人连续七天没吃到一点粮食。

    When Confucius was traveling around all the states , he was once surrounded by crowds in Chen Cai district , and had not eaten a thing for seven days .

  27. 而孔子的教育理念和教学方法在很大程度上可以代表当今教学改革的方向。建议将教师节改期到孔子诞辰日,即9月28日。

    The educational philosophy and methods of Confucius shed light on the current educational reform , so I suggest the day be changed to Confucius ' birthday , Sept 28 .

  28. 孔子周游列国的途中,见两个小孩在相互争辩,便停下车来问他们在争什么。

    In the middle of Confucius1 's travel round all the states , he saw two children arguing with each other . He stopped and asked them what they argued about .

  29. 弟子们不知如何是好,孔子叫弟子上前询问:“死了谁?你为什么哭得这么伤心?”

    The disciples didn 't know what to do . Confucius ordered one of them to go forward and ask : " Who has died ? Why are you weeping in such sorrow ? "

  30. 孔子的弟子着急地问道:“老虎伤害了你家三代人的性命,你为什么不早点儿离开这里,搬到别处去呢?”

    Confucius ' disciple3 asked worriedly : " The tiger harmed the lives of three generations of your family . Why didn 't you leave this place earlier and move to somewhere else ? "