- the period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m;the period of the day from 11 p.m.to l a.m.

[the period of the day from 11 p.m.to l a.m.] 旧式计时法指夜里十一点钟到一点钟的时间
We don 't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out .
One day while sweeping the compound he discovered seven eggs in a pile of straw .
It is proved that M / ~ _F becomes a Boolean algebra when F is a Boolean filter .
The dad replied , " What did your teacher say when you told him you are an only child ?
Studies the Boolean filters of MTL algebras , proves if F is a Boolean filters of M which is an MTL algebra , then M / - F is a Boolean algebra and discusses local MTL algebras .
In section 2 , from a Hamiltonian of the exciton-phonons system , the ground state energy , effective masses and electron-hole interacting potential are derived by using a perturbation method proposed by Haga .
The optimization of grading ring indicates that the grading effect is preferable when pipe diameter equals to 120 mm , the distance of ring plane to string center equals to 500 mm and the ring screens 3 insulators .
AC Flashover Performance of Contaminated Insulators in Hot Water Vapor Washing
When taking , the pawn goes one square diagonally forward .
He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly .
When dad saw my short skirt he told me to cover myself up .
When Pinocchio saw the old man , he ran to him and hugged him .
Then the global convergence of secant iteration for finding the Lagrangian multiplier is proved .
But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave , Buck refused .
During childhood , when I told others that I was an only child , the other children all envied me .
The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards , mustaches and even sideburns .
The problems which are needed to be solved and the corresponding solvable schemes when impulse current method is applied to detect composite insulator are emphasized .
It happened to me very recently while trying to book a table at Bob Bob Ricard , a new London restaurant I otherwise liked a lot .
In this paper , the equation of acoustic transmission line of torsional vibration is derived , and an example is given to show its application in design of equivalent semi-wavelength transducers for torsional vibration .
In this way , each time optimization multiply neutrons can always cause a larger objective function growth , despite an increase in the work done in each optimization , but never a whole to reduce the number of optimized to shorten the running time .