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zǐ dì
  • children;juniors;scion;son and younger brother;those who patronize brothels
子弟 [zǐ dì]
  • (1) [son and younger brother;children]∶子与弟;亦泛指子侄辈

  • 职工子弟

  • 阏氏子弟在。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • (2) 又

  • 单于子弟发兵。

  • 有子弟十人。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • (3) [juniors]∶泛指年轻的后辈

  • 此必洄曲子弟。--《左传.僖公三十三年》

  • 子弟素健者。--明. 高启《书博鸡者事》

  • 与子弟角。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (4) [those who patronize brothels]∶指嫖客

子弟[zǐ dì]
  1. 并要求子弟阅读家庭教育类的书籍。

    And he required juniors to read the books about home education .

  2. 此外他还从写作的角度,从顺应和改变气质角度,从遵循循序渐进原则的角度选择阅读书目,指导子弟读书。

    He chose the reading catalogue from the angle of compose , from the angle of conformance and altering temperament , from the angle of step-by-step , guide juniors to study .

  3. 这些富家子弟指望一切都有人拱手送上。

    These rich kids expect to have it all handed to them on a silver platter .

  4. 人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。

    The heroic deeds of the people 's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate .

  5. 例如:多亏了一位匿名捐赠者,这个打工子弟学校才能购买一些黑板、一张乒乓球桌和一台电脑。

    Thanks to an anonymous donor6 , the school for children of migrant workers was able to purchase some blackboards , a table-tennis table and a computer .

  6. 12所民工子弟小学麻疹病毒IgG抗体总阳性率为45.83%。

    The total positive rate of antibody IgG was 45 . 83 % .

  7. CMC是一个为中国的打工子弟儿童提供教育,社区支持和项目的当地的基金会。

    CMC is a local foundation providing educational and community supports and programs for migrant children in China .

  8. 2001年在流动儿童和外来民工子弟学校学生中,开展了MV的强化免疫,共接种56566人,接种率为98.67%。

    Since 2001,56 566 floating children and students were vaccinated with MV , the rate was 98.67 % .

  9. 采用SCL-90临床自评量表,对某企业子弟学校三年制高中188名学生进行测试。

    Using SCL-90 clinal table , 188 senier middle school students of a certain enterprise sons and daughters school were tested .

  10. 《橘郡男孩》原来是Fox播放的,现在英国的E4频道播出,讲述加州橘郡(OrangeCounty)富家子弟的生活。

    ' The O.C. , 'a Fox show now in reruns on Britain 's E4 channel , chronicles the life of affluent teens in Orange County , Calif.

  11. BEAN在帮助民工子弟社区中心筹建一个图书馆,志愿者们可以充分利用图书馆的资源来分小组教学生们阅读。

    BEAN is supporting the community center by providing them with a library , so the volunteers will use the books from this library to teach the students in small reading groups .

  12. 方法:对学校学生分布调查分析,用多阶段、先整群后简单随机抽样方法从12座民工子弟小学各年级段中随机抽取240名学生,进行IgG抗体测定和调查。

    Methods One sample of 240 students was recruited using a multistage cluster sampling design from 12 elementary school of migrant laborers ' children . Measles antibody IgG testing and questionnaire interview were finished .

  13. 目的:用IgG抗体测定,对12座民工子弟小学学生进行麻疹抗体水平调查,并开展免疫状况调查,为丽水市计划免疫工作提供科学依据。民工荒产生的原因及对策研究

    Objective To test the level of measles antibody IgG and investigate immunity status quo in the migrant laborers ' children . Research on the Reason and the Countermeasure of the Shortage of Rural Migrant Laborers

  14. 因为我摩恩的活动都是由农民工子弟,CMC,和你的志愿服务合作完成的,所以我们需要你在志愿服务期间作出以下书面承诺。

    Since this is a partnership between the migrant children , CMC and yourself , we would like to invite you to enter into an agreement for the duration of your commitment .

  15. 然而,虽然有一些NGO组织专注于为农民工子弟学校提供帮助,但像GSK这种聚焦农民工医疗的项目在中国似乎为数不多。

    But while other NGOs provide help to migrant schools , the GSK project seems to be one of the few in China to focus on migrant healthcare .

  16. 二手无尾礼服长期以来一直是英国大学生的收藏,有一种浓郁的电影《故园风雨后》(bridesheadrevisited)的风格,它们是英国贵族子弟的主要服装。

    Second-hand dinner jackets have long been the preserve of British undergraduates with a penchant for Brideshead Revisited styling , to the extent that they are a staple part of the English Aristo version of preppy .

  17. 方法对石景山区2所民工子弟学校三~六年级学生进行0.5a的健康干预,对干预前后2次问卷调查结果进行健康知识知晓率、健康行为形成率的效果评估。

    Methods A half-a-year health intervention was conducted among students in grade 2-6 in school of peasant workers ' children in Shijingshan District in Beijing . Impact evaluation was carried out based on the results of questionnaire surveys before and after the intervention .

  18. 友谊是子弟,而爱情却是小气鬼。

    Friendship is a prodigal , but love is a miser .

  19. 一个仙女爱上了一个农家子弟。

    A fairy lady fell in love with a peasant boy .

  20. 并说有很多富家子弟正向她求婚。

    And that many rich young men were proposing to her .

  21. 你是富家子弟,我是一文不名。

    You 're a millionaire , I 'm a social zero .

  22. 脱水之鱼&民工子弟学校话语中的边缘文化现象

    Fish out of Water : Cultural Marginality in Migrant School Discourse

  23. 向我们最可爱的人人民子弟兵致意最崇高的敬礼。

    The most lovely one to us where the most noble salute .

  24. 这是明清侨寓徽商子弟教育问题解决的四个主要途径。

    The above four points are main ways to their offsprings'education problems .

  25. 他们的子弟沦落在非洲和俄国。

    Their manhood has cast away in Africa and Russia .

  26. 那时我才意识到以斯拉是个富家子弟

    That 's when I realized Ezra was a rich boy

  27. 无论胜也好,败也好,这毕竟是他们的子弟啊!

    In victory or defeat , they were their boys .

  28. 与飞机赛跑的学校&记争创名校的成都飞机工业公司子弟中学我国试办综合高中的理论与实践探索

    Theory and Practice of Running Comprehensive High School in China

  29. 我猜你已经抓走所有的富家子弟,啊?

    I guess you busted all those rich kids already , huh ?

  30. 所以他们宁可把孩子送到只招收民工子弟的穷学校。

    So they prefer poor schools exclusively for the migrants'children .