
  • 网络meridian project
  1. 子午工程数据分发系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Meridian Project Data Distribution System

  2. 子午工程正是为填补这项空白,而成立的国家级工程项目。

    The Meridian Project is the state-level project which will fill this gap .

  3. 本文综述了国内外空间可展开结构的应用现状,阐述了子午工程电场伸杆和电子伸杆的研究意义。

    This paper reviewed the application of space deployable structures status , and described the significance of the electronic field boom and electron boom of .

  4. 子午工程(全称为东半球空间环境地基综合监测子午链)是中国空间科学领域开工建设的第一个国家重大基础设施项目。

    Meridian chain project ( called the Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project ) is the first major fundamental project guided by the space science of China .

  5. 另外笔者考虑到子午工程以后的扩展以及系统性能的升级,还进行了更加深入的研究与展望,为数据汇集子系统日后的升级做好准备。

    Moreover , taking into account the future expansion of the meridian project and the upgrading of system performance , this thesis conducted a more in-depth research and prospects in preparation for the future upgrade of the data collection system .

  6. 通过对多源监视系统先后进行的单元测试、功能测试、系统测试、联合测试及压力测试,多源监视系统的需求分析、软件设计与实现均达到子午工程一期的各项指标要求。

    After the unit testing , functional testing , system testing , joint testing and stress testing , the needs analysis , software design and implementation of the multi-source monitoring system have reached the requirements of the meridian project in the first phase .

  7. 圆弧子午投影在工程中的应用

    The Application of An Arc Meridian Projection to The Engineering