
  • The Venetian
  1. 联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心负责监管遗产地,其前任负责人是威尼斯人弗朗西斯科·班德林,他现在担仼联合国教科文组织文化助理总干事。

    The former head of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre , which oversees heritage sites , is Francesco Bandarin , a Venetian who now serves as UNESCO 's assistant director-general for culture .

  2. 他所说的手推车是指小型购物车,这是真正的威尼斯人的象征。

    The carts he refers to are small shopping carts — the symbol of a true Venetian .

  3. 桥上挤满了威尼斯人,而不是游客。

    It was filled with Venetians , not tourists .

  4. 被游客人数远远超过的威尼斯人正在不断的逃离。

    The outnumbered Venetians have been steadily fleeing .

  5. 而对于威尼斯人来说,他们极度沮丧,希望很快能有解决方案。

    As for Venetians , they 're beyond frustrated and hoping for a solution soon .

  6. 他们都是威尼斯人。乔治说22年来他从未在里亚托桥上有过这样的经历。

    They 're Venetians . Giorgio says he 's never experienced the Rialto Bridge this way in all his 22 years .

  7. 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁加洛嘲笑了联合国教科文组织,让它少管闲事,同时他继续支持雇用了5000名威尼斯人的游轮行业。

    The city 's current mayor , Luigi Brugnaro , has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business , while continuing to support the cruise ship industry , which employs 5,000 Venice residents .

  8. 上周末,威尼斯人澳门娱乐消闲区实际上挤满了客人,数以万计的人到澳门来参加一年一度的澳门格兰披治大赛车(MacaoGrandPrix)。

    At the weekend , the Venetian Macao was indeed packed with tens of thousands of customers in town for the annual Macao Grand Prix .

  9. 每年7月的一个周末过救赎节(FeastoftheRedeemer)的时候,威尼斯人都会拿回对这座城市的主导权。

    One weekend a year , during the Feast of the Redeemer in July , Venetians take back the city .

  10. 在澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店(venetianmacao)仿文艺复兴风格的大堂里,中国内地游客兴奋的谈笑声,几乎盖过了率领他们前往赌场所在楼层的导游们的声音。

    The excited chatter of the Chinese tourists in the faux Renaissance lobby of the Venetian Macao nearly drowns out the tour guides shepherding them to the main attraction in the hotel : the casino floor .

  11. 为了终结不平等、削减高管薪酬及重建公平感,公司应像曾经的威尼斯人(Venetians)那样,从合格的候选人当中随机抽选领导者。

    To end inequality , cut executive pay and restore a sense of fairness , companies should pick their leaders at random from a pool of qualified candidates , as the Venetians once did .

  12. 颠茄属植物中含有一种备受威尼斯人青睐的天然肌肉松弛剂。

    Belladonna contains a natural muscle relaxant that Venetians greatly appreciated .

  13. 每年的这个时候,威尼斯人对洪水的如期而至已经不觉得稀奇。

    Flooding is common in Venice at this time of year .

  14. 威尼斯人已经走投无路了。

    The official Venetian position is a plea of desperation .

  15. 威尼斯人知道他们成功的关键在于海军实力。

    The Venetians knew the key to their success was their naval power .

  16. 威尼斯人在战争与和平中都是出类拔萃的。

    The Venetians excelled in war and in peace .

  17. 第二,威尼斯人有良好的政府。

    Second , the Venetians enjoyed good government .

  18. 在这些发展包括威尼斯人,曼德勒海湾和巴黎拉斯维加斯。

    Among these developments include The Venetian , Mandalay Bay , and Paris Las Vegas .

  19. 什么能表现出一个威尼斯人画的特点呢?

    What characterizes a Venetian painting ?

  20. 在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。

    In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors .

  21. 金沙中国大举借债,建造两家综合度假胜地,包括拥有3000间客房的威尼斯人澳门。

    The company has borrowed aggressively to build two integrated resorts , including the 3,000-room Venetian Macao .

  22. “徐小凤演唱澳门”将于2月19日至21日在澳门威尼斯人的金光综艺馆。

    " Paula Tsui Live in Macao " will be held on Feb19-21 at CotaiArena at Venetian Macao .

  23. 接下来几个世纪,威尼斯人须多次抵抗匈牙利和穆斯林萨拉森人以保卫自己。

    In succeeding centuries Venetians had to defend themselves many times against the Hungarians , and the Muslim Saracens .

  24. 真正的威尼斯人已经非常稀少。许多人表示,很快,这个城市将仅仅只是一个旅游目的地。

    Real Venetians have become scarce and many say the city is fast becoming nothing but a tourist destination .

  25. 威尼斯人是上下一条心的,而与它为敌的城市,比如热内亚,则是四分五裂。

    The Venetians were united whereas some of their rival cities , for example , Genoa , were divided .

  26. 一群对此深表担忧的威尼斯人为了纪念该市人口的下降特举办了模拟葬礼。

    A group of Venetian residents concerned about this marked the city 's population decline with a mock funeral procession .

  27. 11月和12月常有水灾,给威尼斯人出了一个既最难解决、又拖延最久的问题。

    Floods are common in November and December , presenting Venetians with one of their most difficult and ongoing problems .

  28. 威尼斯人通过向报纸读者发放赠票,并组织媒体报道在内地进行品牌宣传。

    It promotes its brand in the mainland by giving away free tickets to newspaper readers and arranging for media coverage .

  29. 葬礼举办的同时,针对古代威尼斯人起源的国际研究工作也正在进行。

    The funeral for the demographic decline took place at the same time as an international study on the origins of ancient Venetians .

  30. 即使西西里人成功在半岛上扩张,他们也很快就必需要应付米兰人与威尼斯人。

    Even if the Sicilians successfully start to expand up the peninsula , they will soon have to deal with the Milanese and the Venetians .