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wēi yí
  • Weiyi;impressive and dignified manner;suite
威仪 [wēi yí]
  • (1) [impressive and dignified manner]∶仪表威武严肃;军容整齐的

  • (2) [suite]∶指随从

威仪[wēi yí]
  1. 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。

    enhances your height , sets off your straightness

  2. 权威人士及威仪之人往往语速比较慢。

    A person in authority , with authority , speaks slowly .

  3. 国王在平民面前要有王者威仪。

    A king must make public gestures for the common people .

  4. 我们可以认识到在人死之后天使们的威仪。

    So shall we know the angels in their majesty , after death .

  5. 看起来体力充盈,很有威仪但很面善。

    He looked lively and powerful , yet virtuous .

  6. 气宇轩昂的双栋连体宏伟建筑,新古典主义的“凯旋门”,犹如巨擘,尽显王者威仪。

    The superb splendid building is just like a the neoclassical arch of triumph .

  7. 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪

    Increasing your stature , reflecting your eminence

  8. 和乐而不失威仪&《诗经》校园礼仪诗的艺术美

    Harmonious and majestic & Artistic beauty of campus rite poems in the book of songs

  9. 能力和威仪,是她的衣服。她想到日后的景况就喜笑。

    Strength and self-respect are her clothing ; she is facing the future with a smile .

  10. 她却不得不越加赞美他的威仪、有教养,即使是在这里。

    She could not help admiring all the more the dignity and superiority of his presence even here .

  11. 一个人的修养、气质,均在行、住、坐、卧四威仪中自然地显露出来。

    A refined disposition is naturally expressed in the way a person walks , lives , sits , and sleeps .

  12. 也不止像险峰,增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪,甚至日光。甚至春雨。

    not only like a steepy peak enhances your height , sets off your straightness , even sunshine and spring rain .

  13. 这是明帝国海军统帅郑和率领的船队,展现慑人威仪,在印度洋中绵延数里。

    Stretched across miles of the Indian Ocean in terrifying majesty is the armada of Zheng He , admiral of the imperial Ming navy .

  14. 修行有没有当然不能从外表判断,但是有的人就是威仪具足,令人见到即心生欢喜。

    Though you can never judge a practitioner by appearance , this one is so impressive that you feel joyful by simply looking at him .

  15. 《诗经》中战争诗不多,且大都正面描写的是朝廷军队磅礴的气势、显赫的威仪,没有战斗场面的具体描绘。

    There were not many war poems in the Book of Songs , and all the war poems only described the grandeur of the royal troops and there was not concrete description of the battle .

  16. 永别了,长嘶的骏马、锐厉的号角、惊魂的鼙鼓、刺耳的横笛、庄严的大旗和一切战阵上的威仪!

    Farewell the neighing steed , and the shrill trump , The spirit-stirring drum , the ear-piercing fife , The royal banner , and all quality , Pride , pomp and circumstance of glorious war !

  17. 一代大国楚王的富贵豪奢、威仪恩惠、眷恋宠爱,竟完全没能打动她,哪怕只是进入到她的眼里!

    As a powerful emperor , with countless wealth , glorious social state , power , favor and affection , none of these could have shaken her strong mind , even have drawn her attention .

  18. 他告诉我她是什么样的,她给人什么感觉,以及这场戏的基调,我想出这种疯狂,有些吓人,但又有威仪的声音。

    He told me what she 's like , what she 's feeling and the tone of the scene , and I came up with this crazed , kind of frightening and yet authoritative type of voice .

  19. 站在她身边的是亨利·欧文爵士,他穿着象征王权的袍服,举手投足之间,无不流露出君王的雄才大略;而含而不露的王家威仪则铭刻在他脸部的每一个纹路上。

    Beside her stood Sir Henry Irving , wearing the symbols of kingship ; and there was majesty of intellect in his every gesture and attitude and the royalty that subdues and overcomes in every line of his sensitive face .

  20. 当烦杂的工作在四周喧闹,使我和外界隔绝的时候,我的宁静的主,请带着你的和平与安息来临。当我乞丐似的心,蹲闭在屋角的时候,我的国王,请你以王者的威仪破户而入。

    When tumultuous work raises its din on all sides shutting me out from beyond , come to me , my lord of silence , with thy peace and rest . When my beggarly heart sits crouched , shut up in a corner , break open the door , my king , and come with the ceremony of a king .