
  • 网络Yao Chen;Crazyman
  1. 今年1月,姚晨的粉丝超过了奥普拉·温弗瑞(OprahWinfrey),当时新浪给姚晨颁发了“微博女王”的称号。

    This year , Sina named Yao queen of the microblog when she surpassed the number of followers of Oprah Winfrey in January .

  2. 姚晨微博上的追随者比美国电视名人奥普拉·温弗瑞在推特上的追随者还要多。

    Yao has more microblog fans than American TV celebrity Oprah Winfrey has on her Twitter .

  3. 新浪微博上拥有最多粉丝的账户属于中国女星姚晨。

    The Weibo account with the largest fan base belongs to a Chinese actress called Yao Chen .

  4. 姚晨因2006年的喜剧《武林外传》一炮而红。

    Yao Chen , who most people know through the 2006 comedy series , My Own Swordsman .

  5. 今年1月初,姚晨和奥斯卡获奖演员莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥一起出席达沃斯经济论坛,同获水晶奖。

    Yao was awarded the Crystal Award in Davos alongside Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio in January earlier this year .

  6. 姚晨的经纪人在接受《中国日报》采访时证实,姚晨的确收到了很多此类的邀请,但都谢绝了她们的请求。

    Yao ` s agent confirmed to China Daily that her client has received a huge number of offers , but that all have been declined .

  7. 近日,中国女演员、联合国难民署亲善大使姚晨当选成为2016年世界经济论坛“全球青年领袖”之一。

    Chinese actress and UN Refugee Agency Goodwill Ambassador Yao Chen was selected as one of the " Young Global Leaders " in 2016 by the World Economic Forum .

  8. 2016年,因在公益方面的贡献,姚晨获颁达沃斯世界经济论坛水晶奖。

    And at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2016 , she was awarded the Crystal Award for artists who commit themselves to improve the state of the world .

  9. 微博运营商新浪发表声明,将姚晨冠以“微博女王”的称号,表示她之所以吸引这么多互联网用户是因为她在微博中吐露心声。

    A statement from Sina , which runs the microblog service , crowned Yao " microblog queen ," saying she attracts so many Internet users because she expresses her true feelings on her microblog .

  10. 虽然我希望多看看姚晨的表现——这是她自七月产子后出演的首部影片——但很遗憾她的戏份并不多。

    And while I expected to see more of Yao Chen - it 's her first film after having a baby in July - it 's a pity that her part is not that prominent .

  11. 多数影星和歌星也都跟姚晨一样,反对自己的微博被过度商业化,因此公关公司不得不另辟蹊径进行推销。

    Like Yao , most movie stars or singers have resisted the pressure to make their micro blogs too commercial , so the PR companies have to think of other ways of getting their message across .

  12. 她表示:我从未和任何一家公司谈论过姚晨发布微博的酬劳问题,但我认为,姚晨每条微博的价值应该超过十万元。

    " I have never discussed payment for Yao ` s postings with any of the companies , but I think the value of her micro blog would be more than 100,000 yuan ( for each post )," she said .