
  1. 姚崇把火烧和坑埋结合起来取得治蝗成功。

    Yao Chong combined fire and burying in pits to make great success .

  2. 他任用了有才干的姚崇、宋景做宰相,改革官制和兵制,与此同时大力发展经济,改革税制,兴修水利,中国封建社会呈现前所未有的盛世景象,达到了中国封建社会的最高峰。

    He appointed talented Yao Chong and Song Jing as his chief ministers , reformed the government system and military system . Meantime , he effectively developed economy , reformed tax system , started irrigation construction . With these efforts , the feudal Chinese society presented unprecedented flourishing atmosphere , reaching the peak of feudal Chinese society .