
fù kē xué
  • Gynecology;gynaecology
妇科学[fù kē xué]
  1. 该培训包括产科学和妇科学的增加课时。

    The training covers extended periods in obstetrics and gynaecology .

  2. 泌尿学、妇科学与性健康趋势。

    Trends in Urology , Gynaecology & Sexual Health .

  3. 中医妇科学的教学循证护理WORKSHOP在本科护理教学中的实践

    On the teaching of Chinese gynecology Practice of evidence-based nursing workshop in nursing education of undergraduates

  4. 我们的身体几乎没有可以在特定区域添加到DNA中的化学标签(称为甲基),杜克大学的妇科学教授以及本研究的共同作者苏珊·凯·墨菲解释道。

    Our body has little chemical tags ( called methyl groups ) that get added to the DNA at specific regions , explains Susan Kay Murphy , a professor of gynecology at Duke and co-author of the study .

  5. 结合实践及相关文献,提出客观科学性、典型针对性、有序层次性、启发挑战性、开放松散性及复杂关联性为中医妇科学PBL模拟病例设计的基本原则。

    This paper proposes six basic principles for designing problems in teaching TCM gynecology through PBL teaching in light of our experiences and the literature in PBL teaching .

  6. 《中医妇科学》&妇科杂病提要

    Chinese Gynecology & A synopsis of miscellaneous diseases in women

  7. 运气学说在中医妇科学中的指导和应用

    Introduction and Application of Yunqi Theory to Gynecology of TCM

  8. 试析六十甲子及其在妇科学中的意义

    A Cycle of Sixty Years and Its Significance in Gynecology

  9. 属于、关于或从事妇科学的。

    Of or relating to or practicing gynecology .

  10. 学生是学习的主体&非医攻博班中医妇科学调查问卷分析报告

    Students are the main body of learning

  11. 视障针推专业《中医妇科学》教学改革的探讨

    A discussion of teaching reform of Gynecology of traditional Chinese Medicine for visually handicapped students

  12. 妇科学是医学的一个分科。

    Gynaecology is a branch of medicine .

  13. 中国妇科学的源流和发展

    Development of Obstetrics and Gynecology in China

  14. 中医妇科学的教学

    On the teaching of Chinese gynecology

  15. 从《中医妇科学》的四个学术问题看妇科学的时代发展

    Development of Gynecology of the day seen from the four academic questions in the Chinese Gynecology

  16. 国际婴幼儿和青少年妇科学联合会妇产科住院医师及专科医师培养初探

    International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile Gynecology Preliminary Study on Training of Residents and Specialists of Gynecology and Obstetrics

  17. 论述了六十甲子的含义与特征,主要着重年相时间的阐述,以及与妇科学的关系。

    This paper deals with the implications and features of the cycle of60 years and their relationship with gynecology .

  18. 虚拟医院这个网站有一些撷取自爱荷华家医科手册的基础回顾,包含产科学与妇科学。

    The Virtual Hospital website contains some basic reviews of obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook .

  19. 由于“学生贷款惊人”,毕业生从儿科、初级保健或妇科学转向了收入较高的医学领域。

    Graduates move towards higher-paying areas of medicine over paediatrics , primary care or gynaecology due to their " staggering student loans . "

  20. 为中医妇科学科学、有效地开展教学提供来自学生学习实际的第一手材料;为非医攻博专业学生科学、有效地学习中医妇科学乃至其他中医类学科提供科学的指导和思考;

    This study provides first-hand information from the students for scientific and effective teaching and learning of Chinese gynecology and some other subjects as well .

  21. 就如何调动视障学生对《中医妇科学》自主学习的积极性、提高教学质量进行论述。

    How to arouse enthusiasm of the blind students to study gynecology of TCM for themselves and improve the teaching quality has been discussed in the article .

  22. 后来,因为产科与妇科学的发展,大多数的妇女开始在医院生产。首次授予内科肿瘤学和妇科肿瘤学资格。

    " Later , with advances in obstetrics and gynecology , most women gave Birth in hospitals . " Certification in medical oncology and gynecologic oncology first offered .

  23. 重视研究日相阴阳太极钟的变化,将能更加深入地认识月经周期中阴阳消长转化的规律变化,从而推动中医妇科学向前发展。

    The midnight-noon ebb-flow theory enables us to further study the regularity of the ebb and flow of yin and yang in the menstrual cycle and promote the development of TCM gynecology .

  24. 在中医妇科学教学中灵活应用病案进行教学,有效地提高了学生的参与意识,调动了学生的学习积极性,提高了学生的临床思维和解决问题的能力,其教学效果显著。

    By applying case teaching in Chinese gynecology , we can markedly improve students ' participation awareness , stimulate their interest to learn , increase their ability in clinical thinking and solving practical problems , and thus bring about good teaching results .

  25. 论述了六气的含义与特征,通过六气演变预测疾病的发生发展,以及与妇科学的关系。

    This paper deals with the meanings and characteristics of the six climatic factors , the calculation methods for abnormal climate , the prediction of disease occurrence based on the transformation of the six climatic factors , and the relationship of the six climatic factors to gynecopathy .

  26. 因其临床表现无特异性,又缺乏早期筛查手段,所以应重视并加强对青春期女性的妇科影像学检查。

    Clinical manifestations are nonspecific , lack of early screening method ; So we should attach importance and strengthen the gynecology imaging examination to the young women and adolescences .

  27. 妇科细胞病理学TBS诊断&3068例细胞病理学分析

    Analysis of 3068 cases cytopathologic TBS diagnosis

  28. 美国妇科及产科协会是由在产科学、妇科学和妇女健康学科中有国家突出学识的个人组成的。

    The AGOS is an organization composed of individuals attaining national prominence in scholarship in the discipline of Obstetrics , Gynecology and Women 's Health .

  29. 王加维教授为湖北省武汉市中医医院妇科主任医师,并兼任湖北中医药大学中医妇科学教授、硕士生导师。

    Professor Wang Jiawei is now a gynecological Chief Physician of Wuhan hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and also Professor of gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine and supervisor of Master in Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine .