
  • 网络Women's life;WOMAN'S DAY
  1. 背景和目的:张力性尿失禁(StressUrinaryIncontinence,SUI)是严重影响中老年妇女生活质量的常见病,20%以上的中老年妇女都有不同程度的压力性尿失禁。

    Background and Objective : Stress urinary incontinence ( SUI ) is a common disease that affects seriously the quality of life of middle and old age women . 20 % of middle and old age women suffer from different degrees of SUI .

  2. 目的:随着人类社会的老龄化,绝经后骨质疏松症(Postmenopausalosteoporosis,PMOP)已成为影响老年妇女生活质量的一种多发病,其首要病因是绝经后雌激素水平的降低。

    Objectives : With the aging of human society , postmenopausal osteoporosis ( PMOP ) has an impact on the life quality of older women as a frequently-occurring disease , its primary cause is post-menopausal estrogen levels decrease .

  3. 绝经前全子宫切除术后对妇女生活质量的影响

    The influence of hysterectomy before menorrhea exhausted on women life quality

  4. 激素治疗对更年期综合征妇女生活质量的影响

    Effects of Hormone Therapy on Living Quality of Climacteric Syndrome Women

  5. 城市老年妇女生活照料的社会支持网络研究

    Social Support Networks of City Old Women 's Life Care

  6. 近代山东妇女生活研究

    The Study of Women 's Life in Modern Shantung Province

  7. 美国独立战争对妇女生活的影响

    The Influence of American Independent War on Women Life

  8. 她说婚姻不再是妇女生活的中心了。

    Marriage is no longer the centrepiece of women 's lives , she said .

  9. 秦汉妇女生活与社会地位研究

    The Study of Women 's Living and Social Status in Qin and Han Dynasty

  10. 自由下的奴役生活美国内战后南方的黑人妇女生活研究(18631920)

    A Study of the Postbellum Black Women 's life in American South ( 1863-1920 )

  11. 家庭成员是城市老年妇女生活中的主要照料者。

    Family folks are persons who mainly take care of the old woman in the city .

  12. 妇女生活方式、膳食因素、叶酸与宫颈癌关系的病例对照研究

    A Case-control Study on the Association between Women 's Lifestyle , Dietary Factors , Folate and Cervical Cancer

  13. 20世纪是中国广大渔农村妇女生活最跌宕起伏的世纪。

    To all Chinese rural women , the life has changed greatly . in the later half of the 20th century .

  14. 当我向父亲抱怨这一类的事情时,他告诉我,阿富汗的妇女生活更加辛苦。

    When I complained about these things to my father he told me that life was harder for women in Afghanistan .

  15. 随着时代的发展变化,《妇女生活》也不断地调整刊物宣传报道的重心和着力点。

    With the development and changes in time , the publication has been to adjust the focus of media coverage and focus .

  16. 围绝经期保健旨在提高妇女生活质量,延长妇女健康寿命。

    The aim of menopausal women health care is to promote overall living quality and to extend healthy lifespan of menopausal women .

  17. 因此,女性结社对明清妇女生活史和文学史都有重要的意义。

    Therefore , these female associations have great significance to the female life and literature history of the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  18. 妇女生活方式的这一重要变化仅仅是最近才开始对妇女的经济地位产生了全面影响。

    The important change in women 's life pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women 's economic positions .

  19. 黑人和女作家的双重身份和生活经历使她切身体会到黑人妇女生活的艰辛。

    Her identity and life experience both as a black and a woman make her become keenly aware the hard life of black women .

  20. 可以说,苏童的妇女生活小说具有先锋性与新写实性相交融的双重性特征。

    It can be said that Su Tong 's novels of " women 's lives " have the duplicity characteristic of vanguard and neo-realism .

  21. 新时期我国妇女生活方式多元化的发展,使妇女的社会角色、社会地位发生了深刻的变化。

    In this new period , the variation of Chinese women 's life style leads to the great change of their social role and status .

  22. “它为耶路撒冷的视觉历史添加了一笔,”吉布森说,称它带来了对古代妇女生活的关注。

    " It adds to the visual history of Jerusalem ," Gibson added , saying it brings attention to the life of women in antiquity .

  23. 可以说,精神压力大、劳动强度大和缺乏安全感是农村留守妇女生活的真实写照。

    So we can say , big mental pressure , big labor intensity and lack of feeling safety is the real portrayal of the rural remaining wives .

  24. 本文以徽州地区女祠堂为研究对象,力图探讨它在妇女生活中的地位与作以及它所包含的文化内涵。

    This paper investigates the ancestress temple in Huizhou area , aiming at discussing their statue and function in women 's lives as well as their cultural connotations .

  25. 当时中西方妇女生活状况的巨大差异引起了来华传教士的广泛关注,他们利用报刊进行了大量的宣传工作。

    At that time , the differences between Western women and Chinese women in living conditions caused the widespread concern in missionaries . They used of press for propaganda .

  26. 首先,从那君村的自然地理、思想文化、人口构成等诸多方面了解当地留守妇女生活的大环境。

    Firstly , the paper understands life environment local staying women from kinds of aspects such as natural geography , ideological culture , and population consists and so on .

  27. 本文将以人口结构及妇女生活空间为切入点,申述清代寡妇面临家外世界无赖棍徒绑架、逼嫁的威胁。

    The sources reveal information about the demographic structure and the spaces of women 's lives , and describe the threats faced by Qing widows , such as kidnap and forced remarriage .

  28. 本书简介:这是一部反映改革开放三十年来我国农村妇女生活现状的长篇纪实作品。

    Brief introduction of this book : This is a reflection of the past three decades of reform and opening up our country the status of rural women 's lives long documentary works .

  29. 婚姻是男女的结合。在中国,女性在更大程度上受制于社会、家庭、父母和丈夫,基于此,将现代中国婚姻史说成是现代中国妇女生活史并不为过。

    In China , the attitude of women to marriage has limited by society , family , parents and husband , modern Chinese marriage history is the same as modern Chinese women living history .

  30. 他创作了不少“妇女生活”小说,当我们以解读先锋小说的眼光去研读这些作品时,可以发现其还具有“新写实主义”特征。

    He created a lot of novels of " women lives " . When we read his novels with a light of reading the vanguard novels , we can find that these novels have the characteristic of " new realism " .