
  • 网络Rugao;rugao city
  1. 以太网光纤收发器在如皋市广电宽带数据网的应用

    The Application of Ethernet Optical Fiber Transceiver in Rugao Broadcast and TV Broadband Data Network

  2. 如皋市非标轴承有限公司将竭诚为客户提供优质的产品和最佳的服务。

    Rugao Nonstandard Bearing CO. , LTD will try our best to produce high quality products for our customers and provide the best service .

  3. 浅析如皋市红十四军纪念公园景观规划设计

    On landscape planning design for Fourteenth Red Army memorial park in Rugao

  4. 如皋市金婚夫妇代谢综合征患病特点及相关分析

    Characteristics and correlation analysis of metabolic syndrome among golden wedding couples in Rugao

  5. 浅论如皋市沿江渔业的开发思路

    Primary Review on Idea to Develop Fisheries along the Coast of Rugao City

  6. 如皋市中学生课余体育锻炼的现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Status of After-school Physical Training of Middle Schools in Rugao

  7. 如皋市蔬菜产业规模化发展的现状与思路

    Status and Developing Countermeasures of Vegetable in Rugao

  8. 江苏如皋市食管癌主要发病危险因素的病例对照研究

    The Main Risk Factors of Esophageal Cancer in Rugao City , Jiangsu : A Case control Study

  9. 江苏省如皋市30年来土壤肥力质量演变分析

    Variability of Soil Fertility Quality During Past 30 Years in Rugao County , Jiangsu Province , China

  10. 土地股份合作制中若干问题的分析&以江苏省如皋市为例

    The Analysis of Problems of the Land-stock Cooperative System & The Example from Rugao City of JiangSu Province

  11. 对如皋市“医防分设”模式下社区卫生服务体系建设情况进行分析。

    This paper analyzed construction of CHS system after separation of cure and prevention in the city of Rugao .

  12. 如皋市某办公楼部分预应力混凝土框架结构与钢筋混凝土框架结构经济分析与对比

    Economic Analysis and Contrast between a Partial Prestressed Concrete Frame Structure and Steel Concrete Frame Structure of an Office Building of RuGao

  13. 通过对1965年以来如皋市发生的12例暴雪物理成因及卫星云图特征分析,表明:春季暴雪均伴强寒潮而产生;

    The physical causes and the satellite cloud photograph features of 12 heavy snows occurred at Rugao city in Jiangsu Province from 1965 were analysed .

  14. 如皋市采用的公司+协会+农户草莓推广模式,存在着一些有待改进的问题。

    There are also some problems to be improved in the model of cooperation among the company , the strawberry association and the farmer households .

  15. 长寿老人数位居全国之首的如皋市,自20世纪80年代中期开始进入人口老龄化阶段。

    Rugao City , with the most long-lived people out of China , entered into the stage of population aging as early as in middle 1980 's.

  16. 未雨绸缪,积极推进各项改革措施,是如皋市应对这一情况,实现健康老龄化的有效途径。

    It is an effective way for the city to take precautions and aggressively promote various reform measures so that a healthy population aging is to be realized .

  17. 本文针对如皋市人民医院网络机房的建设情况讲述了如何建设一个安全稳定高效的标准化网络机房。

    This paper discusses how to build a secure , stable and efficient standardized network room , taking the example of the construction of Rugao People 's Hospital Network Room .

  18. 本厂创建于1997年,是如皋市政府属下的民营科技型企业,专业制造皮革机械。主要产品包括三大类;

    Our factory found in1997 , it is a private , Science & Technology shaped enterprise under the leading of Rugao city government , and a professional produce of leather machines .

  19. 从如皋市草莓产销情况来看,公司+协会+农户模式在经济作物推广中效果明显。

    According to the production and marketing in Rugao city , the model of cooperation among the company , the strawberry association and the fanner households has obvious result in spreading high-valued crops .

  20. 本项研究以江苏省如皋市为样本点,通过田间考察、农户走访、关键人物访谈等方式,综合考察了该市草莓生产、销售及草莓脱毒苗采用现状。

    Based on the empirical study of farmers ' behavior , this paper analyses the current situation of production , marketing , adoption and diffusion of the detoxicated strawberry seedlings in Rugao city of Jiangsu Province .

  21. 江苏省如皋市以每百万人口中拥有134位100岁以上老人而成为闻名中外的长寿之乡。

    Rugao County of Jiangsu Province is famous for its possession of 134 centenarians in one million people in 2002 . The life-span of a person mainly depends on factors such as inheritance , living habits and environment .

  22. 2003年发生的如皋市印刷机械厂诉如皋市轶德物资有限责任公司隐性反向假冒注册商标纠纷案,是在我国出现的首例商标隐性反向假冒案件。

    The case of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark which happened in 2003 was the first one in the history of China . In that case , Rugao Printing Machinery factory accused Rugao Yide Goods and Material LLC of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark .