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  1. 不同性格类型的女大学生经前期综合征相关知识及态度分析

    Analysis on attitudes and related knowledge of premenstrual syndrome of female university students with different temperament types

  2. 方法:连续3个月对94例健康女大学生经前、经期、经后的左关脉进行脉图描记,自身对照。

    Method : Continuously for 3 months to 94 healthy female university students through before , during and after menstruation of left guan pulse carry on the pulse diagram 's copy to record , and contrast to themselves .

  3. 身材瘦削而且训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁,或者根本不来月经。

    Lean hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all .

  4. 女大学生月经及经前期紧张综合征的心理分析

    Probe into the Psychology of Syndrome of College Girl Students ' Menstruation and Tension before It

  5. 为了观察心丛各副丛有无个体差异,在43(男20,女23)例经福尔马林固定的成人尸体上观察了各副丛的神经条数及其分布。

    To determine the individual differences of subsidiary plexuses of cardiac plexus , the number of nerves and the distribution of subsidiary plexuses of cardiac plexus were observed in 43 adult human cadavers ( 20 male , 23 female ) .

  6. 方法选取28例(男20例,女8例)经40g/L甲醛固定的无异常病损的国人成人尸头,进行鼻腔泪管的断层与影像解剖相结合的研究。

    Methods The heads of 28 ( male 20 , female 8 ) adult cadaver , which had been immersed by 10 % formalin and had no abnormalities , were randomly selected . The sectional anatomy combined with image anatomy was carried out on the nasolacrimal canals .

  7. 目的:通过对在校女大学生现况调查,分析女大学生中经前期综合征的发生现状及中医体质的分布,探讨体质、生存质量等因素与经前期综合征的关系。

    Objective : Based on cross-sectional investigation of female university students , this thesis analyzes the status quo of Premenstrual syndrome , the distribution of Chinese medicine constitution type and the influence factors for the premenstrual syndrome , such as Chinese medicine constitution , quality of life , etc. .

  8. 1993年颁布的《女职工保健工作规定》规定,患有重度痛经及月经过多的女职工,经医疗或妇幼保健机构确诊后,月经期间可适当给予1至2天的休假。

    Back in 1993 , the central government implemented a similar regulation in health services for female employees to have a day or two off if they suffer from painful menstruation .