
  • 网络ocog;BOCOG
  1. 国际奥委会直接组织实施的奥林匹克营销计划,其营销收入的92%分给了国家奥委会、国际单项体育联合会和奥运会组委会。

    The 95 percent of The Olympic Program revenue , which is directly organized by IOC , is dealt out to NOCs , GAISF ( General Assembly of International Sports Federations ) and OCOG .

  2. 技术部门的工作范围涉及奥运会组委会为组织奥运会所需的所有技术领域,包括计算机服务、电信和各种奥运会系统应用技术等。

    The Technology area encompasses all technology aspects required by the OCOG for the Games , including computer services , telecommunications and Games Systems applications .

  3. 2020年东京奥运会组委会发言人小野日子(HikarikoOno)表示,该委员会“无从知道这些指控。我们相信,东京获得举办资格,是因为这个城市提交了最佳申办方案”。

    Hikariko Ono , a spokeswoman for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic organisers , said the committee had " no means of knowing these allegations . We believe that the games were awarded to Tokyo because the city presented the best bid . "

  4. 2008北京奥运会组委会在其网站上发表了一封公开信,向全世界征集带有儿童笑

    The organizing committee of the2008 Beijing Games has published an open

  5. 2020年东京奥运会组委会主席排除了进一步推迟的可能。

    The president of Tokyo 2020 's organizing committee further delays .

  6. 第29届奥运会组委会欢迎招待会现在开始。

    The welcoming reception of the29 th Olympic Games Organizing Committee now begins .

  7. 2020年东京奥运会组委会主席桥本圣子对该奥运村赞不绝口。

    Tokyo 2020 President Seiko Hashimoto praised the village .

  8. 奥运会组委会成员乔纳森•爱德华兹表示计划、耐心及允许额外的时间。

    Olympics organizing committee member Jonathan Edwardscounselsplanning , patience , and allowing extra time .

  9. 请问第29届奥运会组委会设在大厦的几层?

    On which floor is the Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games located , please ?

  10. 奥林匹克仪式由奥运会组委会负责组织制定和监督实施。

    The BOCOG will be entrusted with the planning , implementation and supervision of the Olympic ceremonies .

  11. 国际奥委会和历届奥运会组委会对奥运会吉祥物的设计要求都很高。

    The IOC and the organizing committees of every Olympic Games require high quality of the mascot design .

  12. 2004年雅典奥运会组委会已承诺,将使用最新设备计量距离和速度。

    Athens 2004 organizers have promised to use only the very latest equipment to measure distance and speed .

  13. 2020年东京奥运会组委会在推迟的奥运会开幕前一个月揭开了奥运村的面纱。

    Tokyo 2020 organizers have unveiled the Olympic Village one month ahead of the opening of the postponed Games .

  14. 奥运会组委会主席拜访了在奥运公园旁边临时营地的军人:

    The head of the Organizing Committee visited some of the soldiers at the temporary camp near the Olympic Park .

  15. 奥运会组委会的发言人孙伟德今天(星期二)对记者表示,中国能够保证奥运会安全、和平地进行。

    Organizing committee spokesman Sun Weide told reporters today ( Tuesday ) that China could guarantee a safe and peaceful Olympics .

  16. 第29届奥运会组委会对天津海关保护奥林匹克专有权的有效执法,给予了充分肯定。

    The29th Olympic Organizing Committee extended full affirmation of Tianjin Customs'protection and effective law enforcement of the exclusive right of the Olympic symbols .

  17. 从2005年起,奥运会组委会寄往国外的宣传材料可刊印一句学说中文的内容。

    Starting from 2005 , a section on " Learning the Chinese Language " can be added to the publicity materials the Olympic organizing committee sends overseas .

  18. 在佐佐木宏辞职前,担任2020年东京奥运会组委会主席的森喜朗上个月因针对女性的性别歧视言论辞职。

    Sasaki 's resignation follows that of Yoshiro Mori who served as president of the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee . Mori last month over sexist remarks against women .

  19. 德国的运动服制造商阿迪达斯是北京奥运会组委会的赞助商,而且在国内的广告宣传中有权使用奥林匹克的五环图。

    The German sports clothing maker Adidas is a sponsor of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee and has the right to use the Olympic rings in domestic advertising campaigns .

  20. 经奥运会组委会授权,在每年的国际旅游交易会设立柜台宣传北京奥运旅游。

    Under the authorization of the Olympic Games Organization Committee , a counter shall be set up at each year 's international travel trade fair to promote the Beijing Olympics Tour .

  21. 奥林匹克标志权的主体有国际奥委会、国家奥委会和奥运会组委会,它的客体十分广泛。

    The main bodies of the Olympic logos rights include , International Olympic Committee , National Olympic Committee and the Olympic Games Organizing Committee . There is a wide range of its object .

  22. 按照2008年奥运会组委会的要求,制定北京体育竞赛组织管理人员和裁判员队伍培训计划。

    As required by the Organizing Committee of the2008 Olympic games , Beijing will draw up a plan for the training of managers and officials for the organization of sports competitions , judges and referees .

  23. 东京奥运会组委会新主席暗示,今夏奥运会可能不接待外国粉丝。此前日本媒体报道称,奥委会已经决定不让外国观众到场观赛。

    The new president of the Tokyo Olympic organising committee has hinted that foreign fans will not be allowed at this summer 's Games amid reports in the Japanese press that a decision had already been made to exclude them .

  24. 此后各届奥运会组委会和举办城市,不断深入挖掘奥运经济价值,奥运会对主办城市和国家的经济发展带动作用日益凸现。

    Hereafter , Olympic Games organization committee and host city of each session unceasingly find deeply the economic value of Olympic Games , and the impetus function of the Olympic Games to the economy development of the city and nation is gradually obviously .

  25. 2020东京奥运会和残奥会组委会在近日举行的一个门票销售策略会议上提议,将奥运会开幕式门票最高票价定为28.8万日元。

    The organizing committee for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games proposed at a ticket sales strategy meeting to set a 288000 yen cap on entry prices for the Games ' opening ceremony .

  26. 祝福奥运金银纪念章经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。

    The Blessing Olympics Gold & Silver Commemorative Medallion is made by authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad .

  27. 实际主管奥运会举办工作的组织——伦敦奥运会和残奥会组委会(TheLondonOrganisingCommitteeoftheOlympicandParalympicGames,LOCOG)另外筹募了7亿英镑的赞助金;

    The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games ( LOCOG ) , which is actually in charge of staging the games , has raised another £ 700m in sponsorship ;

  28. 分析了收入的5方面来源,即奥运会举办国家各级政府的投入、国际奥委会投入、奥运会组委会通过各种渠道获得的收入、来自社会各界的捐助及税收。

    The source of the incoming has been analyzed from five aspects , the investment of Olympic Games holding country 's all level state , the investment of international Olympic Games committee , incoming of Olympic Games organizing committee from diversified channels , contribution from the society and the revenue .

  29. 熊倪多次在奥运会上为祖国争光.“奥林匹克计划”的收入一半左右归奥运会组委会。

    Half of the revenues earned by the Olympic Plan goes to the Organizing Committee Olympic Games .

  30. 2020年东京奥运会的筹备工作昨日遭遇更大的麻烦,丰田(Toyota)社长丰田章男(AkioToyoda,见上图)突然从东京奥运会组委会辞职。

    Preparations for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics sank deeper into trouble yesterday when the president of Toyota abruptly stepped down from the games " main organising committee .