
  1. 这样看来,过度解读奥巴马访华的后果将是错误的。

    As such , it would be wrong to read too much into the aftermath of the visit .

  2. 奥巴马访华期间,与他一起出现在镜头内的中国黑衣美女照片曝光。

    Austria Pama visit to China period , appears together with him in lens'Chinese choroid beautiful woman picture to make public .

  3. 此次奥巴马访华吸引了100多名记者。其中,大多数来自美国,其他的来自中国。

    The ongoing event attracted for more than 100 reporters , the large majority of them from the US and the rest from China .

  4. 奥巴马访华期间,听到了不少刺耳的说教,其主题是美国迫切需要加息并减少预算赤字。

    The president 's trip was conducted against the backdrop of shrill lectures about the supposed urgency of raising US interest rates and narrowing its budget deficit .

  5. 周日,米歇尔和她的两个女儿游览了慕田峪长城,与游客更多的八达岭长城相比,慕田峪长城离北京市中心更远。2009年奥巴马访华时,游览的就是八达岭长城。

    On Sunday , Mrs. Obama and her daughters traveled to the Great Wall , climbing the Mutianyu section , which is farther from central Beijing than the well-traveled part of the wall President Obama went to in 2009 .

  6. 你听说奥巴马总统访华的事了吗?

    Have you heard that President Obama visited China ?

  7. 第一夫人办公室鼓励美国学生们通过网络或社交媒体追踪奥巴马夫人访华信息。

    The first lady 's office is also encouraging American students to follow Mrs. Obama as she travels through China online and through social media .

  8. 我建议你再看一看奥巴马总统前不久访华时中美发表的联合声明。

    I suggest that you read again the recently published China-U.S.Joint Statement during President Obama 's visit to China .

  9. 这以后,我同奥巴马总统多次会晤,特别是去年11月,奥巴马总统成功访华,双方发表《中美联合声明》,为中美关系发展提供了政策框架。

    During President Obama 's successful visit to China last November in particular , the two sides issued the China-US Joint Statement , offering a policy framework for the development of our bilateral ties .

  10. 奥巴马夫人的母亲玛丽安罗宾森、奥巴马夫人的两个女儿玛丽亚和萨莎,都将陪同奥巴马夫人前来访华。

    Mrs. Obama 's mother , Marian Robinson , will accompany her , as will Mrs. Obama 's daughters , Malia and Sasha Obama .