
  • 网络Aalborg;alborg
  1. 用玉米加土豆制成的奥尔堡烈性酒以其高度的酒精含量而闻名。

    Aalborg schnapps , made from corn and potatoes , is famous for its high alcoholic content .

  2. 这两项大型活动提供了一个展示奥尔堡另两个价值所在:广阔的前景和多样性。

    These two events provide an opportunity to bring into play the other Aalborg values : Wide Prospects and diversity .

  3. 主要港口:哥本哈根、奥尔堡、奥尔胡、欧登塞。

    Major Ports : Copenhagen , Alborg , Arhus , Odense .

  4. 早在1982年,北欧的人们就决定要举办自己的狂欢节,每年一度的丹麦奥尔堡狂欢节从那时起就被延续了下来。

    As early as 1982 , the Nordic people had decided to hold their own Carnival . Since then , it extended down .

  5. 巴西小将拉法尔在曼联击败奥尔堡的比赛中表现出色,弗格森爵士也赞扬了他表现出来的潜力。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has hailed Rafael da Silva 's potential after the young Brazilian excelled in Manchester United 's defeat of Aalborg on Tuesday night .

  6. 同样在明年,我们将主办欧洲女子手球冠军赛,“红色奥尔堡”活动也将聚焦在新的海岸。

    It will also be the year , where we host the European Womens'Handball Championship , and " Aalborg in Red " will focus on the new waterfront .

  7. 来自丹麦奥尔堡大学的亨德里·克诺奇最近参加了一个项目,设计一个可以供印度农民,即使文盲也能使用的智能手机交互界面。

    Hendrik Knoche at Denmark 's Aalborg University was involved in a recent project to design a smartphone interface that could be used by farmers in India , even those with literacy problems .

  8. 根据纽约时报的一篇报道,丹麦奥尔堡大学、美国马里兰学院和哥伦比亚商学院的学者们研究了慷慨,以及是什么导致了有钱人的慷慨。

    Researchers at Aalborg University in Denmark , the University of Maryland and Columbia Business School in the U.S. examined generosity and what inspires it in wealthy men , according to a report in the New York Times .

  9. 这份研究报告是由奥尔堡大学经济学教授迈克尔•达尔与马里兰大学史密斯商学院教授克里斯蒂安•德索、哥伦比亚商学院教授戴维•加迪斯•罗斯共同撰写的,并于上周在美国经济学会年会上发表。

    The paper , written by Aalborg University economics professor Michael Dahl , University of Maryland Smith School of Business professor Cristian Dezso and Columbia Business School professor David Gaddis Ross , was presented last week at the American Economics Association annual meeting .

  10. 这天晚上我们到了那里,天虽然很晚,但天色明朗,光明夜晚的季节。你可以看到四周很远的地方,可以穿过田野和沼泽望到奥尔堡海湾,望过矮树丛生的地带和草原,一直望到那深蓝色的大海。

    And at this convent we now arrive in the late evening hour ; but the weather is clear in the bright June night around us , and the eye can range far , far over field and moor to the Bay of Aalborg , over heath and meadow , and far across the deep blue sea .