
  • 网络Austrian troops
  1. 这使得奥地利军队可以对法军作战。

    This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French .

  2. 上周五,布什总统在悉尼歌剧院度过了十分糟糕的一天,他竟然把APEC说成了OPEC,还把“澳大利亚军队”变成了“奥地利军队”。

    President Bush had a terrible , horrible day at the Sydney Opera House Friday , confusing APEC with OPEC and transforming Australian troops into Austrians .

  3. 在战争中,法国和撒丁(岛)击败了奥地利军队。

    In the battle , allied French and Sardinian troops defeated the Austrian army .

  4. 法国和奥地利军队在追捕他,他成功地逃脱了他们的追捕。

    French and Austrian armies pursued him . He succeeded in ' evading them .

  5. 七年战争中的一次战斗;普鲁士军队在弗雷德里克领导下战胜法国和奥地利的军队。

    A battle in the Seven Years ' War ( 1757 ); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria .

  6. 奥地利和土耳其军队医院

    Armed Forces Hospitals in Austria and Turkey

  7. 法国人在1792年战胜奥地利人和普鲁士军队(用一来自法国炮兵的著名的炮击)。

    The French defeated the Austrian and Prussian troops in 1792 ( with a famous cannonade from the French artillery ) .

  8. 一七四○年至四八年奥地利王位继承战之中,奥地利军队被普鲁士重创。奥国女大公玛丽亚.德利莎希望改善军队表现。

    The War of the Austrian Succession , 1740-48 , saw the Austrian army faring badly against the Prussians , and Maria Theresa , Archduchess of Austria , looked for ways of improving her army 's performance .