
tóu lǐng
  • Leader;headman;header
头领 [tóu lǐng]
  • [header] 为首的人(多见于早期白话)

头领[tóu lǐng]
  1. 我认识这位印第安人头领。

    I know the Indian chief .

  2. 他就是Barron,是个头领。

    That 's Barron . He is the Leader .

  3. 将无机高分子混凝剂聚合硫酸铁(PFS)与具有头领效应的有效微生物群(EM)有机结合,对藻型富营养化原水进行处理。

    Composite process composed of inorganic macromolecule flocculent polymeric ferric sul-fate ( PFS ) with leading effective microorganism ( EM ) was used for algae control of raw water from eutrophic water body .

  4. 伊斯兰党头领RachidGhanouchi解释说,他无意将自己的意志强加于突尼斯人民。

    The party 's leader , Rachid Ghanouchi , argues he has no intention of imposing his beliefs on Tunisians .

  5. 机械忍者:头领,我们在附近巡视过了。

    Ninjaroid : we have secured the perimeter , sir .

  6. “别再介意山上的事了,”头领正儿八经地说道。

    " So leave the mountain alone ," said the chief solemnly .

  7. 她哥哥被其中一个头领腐化了。

    Her brother was corrupted by one of its leaders .

  8. 头领,看来你在这里有一点小问题。

    Gerentex , looks like you 've got a little problem , here .

  9. 他是凯乃黑脚族血部落的头领。

    He was the chief of the Blood Tribe of the Kainai Balackfoot .

  10. 头领敲响了阿里巴巴的房子的门。

    The Chief knocks at Ali Baba 's door .

  11. 他们告诫那位头领以及他的那帮人。

    They spoke to the leader and his crew .

  12. 所有的村庄的头领都沉迷于骄奢淫逸之中。

    The chiefs of all the villages were weltering in luxury and pleasure .

  13. 老鼠头领我们都同意了。

    All the mice looked at one another .

  14. 头领买来了一些大缸,每一个缸里躲进一个强盗。

    The leader bought some big jars and put a thief inside each one .

  15. 我们将为他的头领举杯庆贺!

    We 'd drink wine from his head !

  16. 那伙匪徒的头领是个粗暴的人。

    The gang leader was a tough character .

  17. 而那个头领要吸取一个好的,纯净的灵魂来完成整个仪式。

    And the leader needs to absorb a purely good soul to complete the ritual .

  18. 杜库死后,他就是帝国军的头领了。

    But with Count Dooku dead , he is the leader of the droid army .

  19. 狼的族群一般都会有个头领。

    The groups usually had a leader .

  20. 我要先吃,因为这是头领做的事。

    I am going to eat first , because that is what the pack leader does .

  21. 行政体制方面,泰人头领的地位和权力都衰落了。

    In terms of administrative system , the role and power of the Tai Chiefs decreased .

  22. 即使我们可以除掉那个头领,但是我还是有我的疑问。

    Even if we could take out gerentex , and I have my doubts about that .

  23. “十戒”组织的头领名叫拉扎,这是根据神奇漫画的一个角色而命名的。

    The leader of the Ten Rings is named Raza , after a Marvel Comics character .

  24. 其中一个头领走到相当接近诺第留斯号的地方,很细心地考察这只船。

    One of these chieftains came fairly close to the Nautilus , examining it with care .

  25. 原清风山三个头领都是买卖或手艺人出身。

    Three chieftans of mountain all buy and sell original fresh breeze or the artisan come from .

  26. 通过赋予自己“反向特权”【注:放弃权力权利的信号】,希望逃脱真正强势头领对他们的惩罚。

    By applying reverse privileges to themselves , they hope to escape punishment from the real dominants .

  27. 三个人的头领名叫佛利兹•戈洛威兹,他的父母分别是商人和医生。

    The parents of their alleged leader , Fritz Gelowicz , are a businessman and a doctor .

  28. 这名血部落的头领在乔治?凯特林为他画肖像时大约30岁。

    The chief of the blood tribe was about thirty years old when George Catlin painted his picture .

  29. 新郎、新娘通常就是一起站在宗教头领面前举行结婚。

    It is in front of the religious leader that the bride and groom stand together to be married .

  30. 头领:你好。主人,我可以在你家投宿一晚吗?我是个卖油的。

    Chief : Hello , master , may I stay in your house tonight ? I am an oil seller .