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  1. 新界环回公路改善计划(凹头至粉锦公路)第I至IV期

    New Territories Circular Road Improvements ( Au Tau to Fan Kam Road ) Phases I to IV

  2. [方法]用压力测定系统测量16例受测者仰卧位时头至臀部的压力分布,依照平卧承托Ⅰ、平卧承托Ⅱ交替切换承托点,检测承托点压力变化情况。

    Method : A total of 16 cases were measured their pressure distribution from the head to the buttocks by pressure measuring system . Changes of pressures of support points of all cases were detected based on backlying support ⅰ and ⅱ positions alternative switching support points .

  3. 颈椎病患者头回复至中立位的能力测定

    Ability to reproduce the neutral position of head with cervical spondylosis

  4. 然后将你的头倾斜至左边,亲一下,尽量不要碰到鼻子。

    Tilt your head to the left , impact , try to not rub noses , impact .

  5. 针对在堵头末端至导流洞和泄洪洞结合点,采用不同衬砌方案,通过计算分析,确定支护的形式和围岩的稳定性。

    According to the connection from plug bottom to diversion and spillway tunnel , different casing schemes are adopted . By means of calculation and analysis , the type of support and stability of surrounding rock are determined .

  6. 透视下将4F猎人头导管插至左侧颈内动脉注入血栓,分别在栓塞前以及栓塞后即时和1、2、5h行脑血管造影观察所栓塞血管的通畅情况,同时在栓塞后2h行CTP检查。

    The cerebral angiography was performed before and after the embolization and the patency of the occluded cerebral arteries was observed with angiography at 1 , 2 and 5 hours after the procedure .

  7. 观察两组镇痛效果,第二产程时间、胎头拔露至胎头娩出时间,会阴情况(会阴是否完整、会阴裂伤和会阴侧切)。

    Analgesic effects were observed and the second stage of labor time and pull the fetal head exposed to the fetal head disengagement time , the situation perineum .

  8. 在西方,国家一旦变为共和国,人们向来是砍掉被废黜的君主的头,或至少将其流放到国外。

    When a Western country becomes a Republic , it is customary to cut off the head of the deposed monarch , or at least to cause him to fly the country .

  9. 在深层分离时应沿股直肌直头外侧深入至髋关节囊,切匆误入其前内侧的股三角。

    Head continuous with body ; ( 2 ) When deeper layer is separated , fascis is incised along the anterior border of rectus femoris to the hip joint capsule , and the structure of the femoral triangle could not be injured .

  10. 目标是将原本的四万头乳牛数量增加至十万头。

    The goal is to increase the number of cows from 40,000 to 100,000 .

  11. 本研究以柠檬酸和延胡索酸作为酸化剂,对饲粮酸度与仔猪增重关系进行了初步研究。355头29±1至59±1日龄的大约克夏和长白仔猪分4次进行饲养试验。

    The Relationship Between Diet Acidity and Weight Gain of Piglets he studies involved 355 Large York-Shire and Landrace piglets ( 29 - 59 d of age ) . The acidifiers were citric acid and fumaric acid .

  12. 自非流行区选购无蜱和无血液原虫寄生的健康水牛4头,其中3头运至流行区放牧,并让蜱上身叮咬以自然感染巴贝斯焦虫病。

    Four tick-free and blood protozoan-free buffaloes were purchased from non-endemic area .