
shī luò
  • lose
失落 [shī luò]
  • [lose]丢失;失掉

  • 我的钱包失落了

  • 此后她时常有一种失落感

失落[shī luò]
  1. 我想应该是失落和空虚的感觉吧。

    I think it is the feeling of lose and hollowness .

  2. 近代世界观与人老年期幸福的失落

    Modern Worldview and Lose of Sense of Happiness in the Aged

  3. 她去世后我心里充满了失落感。

    When she died I was filled with a sense of loss .

  4. 他感到非常失落。

    He felt an overwhelming sense of loss .

  5. 把自己的失落和悲伤向他人倾诉。

    Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief

  6. 人们会经历种种失落,恋情没有结果时的失落感便是其中之一。

    One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don 't work out .

  7. 我觉得我们两个有着共同的失落感,经受着同样的痛苦。

    I felt we both shared the same sense of loss , felt the same pain .

  8. 当人们发现那些偶像有严重的缺陷时,会产生无比痛苦的失落感。

    When those idols are found to have feet of clay , the pain of disenchantment can be profound .

  9. 你的搭档跟你一样极度地失落,但他也许会觉得男儿有泪不轻弹。

    Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you , but may feel that it is unmanly to cry .

  10. 一种悲伤、失落感突然袭来,他不由得眼泪汪汪。

    He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief , of loss , that his eyes filled with tears .

  11. 我实在想不起来那块头巾可能失落在什么地方。

    Really I can 't recall where I could have dropped my kerchief .

  12. 他感到很失落。

    He felt deeply abandoned .

  13. 他们通常对学习很认真,当测验或考试成绩不理想时会感到很失落。

    They are normally serious about learning and feel disappointed with low grades on tests and exams .

  14. 现在连秋云黄叶又已失落去

    Now , even the cloudy yellow leaves are all fallen ,

  15. 青蛙听完番话后,惊讶万状地看着东海鳖,一脸茫然和失落的样子。

    After hearing this , the frog was at a loss , surprised and depressed2 .

  16. 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。

    But if the while I think on thee , dear friend , all losses are restored , and sorrows end .

  17. 很多人都梦想着能找到沙克尔顿失落的极地游艇“持久号”的残骸,这艘游艇现在位于一万英尺(约三千米)深的南极海底。

    Many have dreamt of locating the remains1 of Shackleton 's lost polar yacht the Endurance , which now lies in Antarctic waters 10000 feet deep .

  18. 我爱你,即使你离开了,即使我失落、难过和孤独,但我还能活下去。

    I love you and you leave , I 'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely , but I 'll still be able to survive .

  19. 失落的文明是Discovery频道最受欢迎的系列节目之一。

    " Lost Civilizations " is one of the most popular programs in Discovery Channel .

  20. 大萧条(greatdepression)和日本“失落的10年”(lostdecade)的经验表明,通缩会带来巨大痛苦。

    Experiences of deflation in the great depression and the " lost decade " in Japan suggest it causes great hardship .

  21. 录像磁带控制信号磁迹(CTL)的失落补录

    Dropout Compensation of Control Track ( CTL ) in Video Tape

  22. 日本经历了“失落的十年”,但即便如此,在大海啸之前的2010年,日本也是零通胀,失业率仅为5%,GDP增速超过3%。

    Even though Japan had this lost decade , in 2010 , before the tsunami struck , Japan had no inflation with only 5 % unemployment and over 3 % GDP growth .

  23. SONOCT和XRES技术可使乳腺囊肿的侧壁回声失落完全被抑制。

    Acoustic shadows of lateral boundaries were completely suppressed by Sono CT and XRES in breast cysts .

  24. 寻找失落的辉煌&2005年UIA国际建筑设计竞赛方案

    Finding the Lost Resplendence & The Scheme of the 2005 UIA International Architecture Competition

  25. 剧集的最后是Bailey的失落感,不仅仅指失去她的丈夫、她“工作中的丈夫”(指Chief),还失去了往昔她对Chief完全、无条件的信任。

    And by the episode 's end , Bailey acutely feels the loss – not only of her work-husband and husband-husband – but of the time when she had total , unquestioning trust in the Chief .

  26. 迁徙和杂交:失落在非洲腹地的异乡客&评V.S.奈保尔的《河湾》中的霸权话语

    Migration and Mixture : Lost Stranger in the African Hinterland & Comments on the Supreme words in V.S.Naipaul ′ s A Bend in the River

  27. 在哲学史的背景之下追溯Axiology一词的原意,可知Axiology的研究对象应是worthy而非value,在后者中失落了前者中所包括的noble之意。

    A backward study of the original meaning of axiology against the background of history of philosophy has found out that the research object of axiology should be " worthy " rather than " value " which lost the meaning of " noble " con - tained in the former .

  28. 他仿佛博尔赫斯(Borges)爱冷笑的淘气儿子,小心翼翼地创造出一张严密的,由极右文学家与美文创作者构成的大网,对于他们来说,希特勒意味着美、真理与伟大的失落希望。

    As if he were Borges 's wisecracking , sardonic son , Bola ñ o has meticulously created a tightly woven network of far-right litt é rateurs and purveyors of belles lettres for whom Hitler was beauty , truth and great lost hope .

  29. 文化转型期文学想像力的失落

    The loss of Literary Imagination in The Era of Cultural Shift

  30. 关于横向思维的部分即有趣又令人失落。

    The section on lateral thinking is both fun and frustrating .