
  • 网络dementia;Alzheimer's disease;Dementia with Lewy Bodies
  1. 一则研究也曾表明,患有额颞叶型失智症(Fronto-TemporalDementia)的实验者很难听得出讽刺和挖苦。

    It was found in a study that subjects with Fronto-Temporal Dementia had difficulty picking up on sarcasm .

  2. 这些学者在提倡一种新的诊断类别——轻度行为障碍(mildbehavioralimpairment,M.B.I.),旨在辨认与测量某些专家认为常遭忽视的面向:心情与行为的急剧变化,可能在失智症造成的记忆与思考困难之前出现。

    They are proposing the creation of a new diagnosis : mild behavioral impairment . The idea is to recognize and measure something that some experts say is often overlooked : Sharp changes in mood and behavior may precede the memory and thinking problems of dementia .

  3. 倡导组织阿尔茨海默氏症协会(Alzheimer'sAssociation)表示,预计罹患该疾病的美国人将从现在的500多万增加到2050年的1600万,而且要照顾他们以及患有其他形式的失智症的年长美国人,每年的费用可能会达到1.2万亿美元。

    According to the Alzheimer 's Association , an advocacy group , the estimated number of Americans with the disease will rise from more than five million now to as many as 16 million in 2050 , and the cost of caring for them and older Americans with other forms of dementia could reach $ 1.2 trillion annually .

  4. 记忆力衰退抱怨:失智症前兆?

    Subjective Memory Complaint : An Early Sign of Dementia ?

  5. 失聪且患有失智症的贝当古没有参加审判。

    Deaf and afflicted with dementia , Bettencourt did not attend the trial .

  6. 因此必须寻求有效侦测失智症患者疼痛的解决之道。

    To seek an effective solution for pain detection in patients with dementia is therefore essential .

  7. 研究目的:估计失智症患者髋关节骨折之发生率与相对风险。

    Objective : To estimate the incidence and relative risk of hip fracture among patients with dementia .

  8. 且未来于研究上,也应持续测试完整疼痛评估模式应用于确认失智症老人疼痛的可行性。

    To test the feasibility of the multidimensional model of pain assessment , further study is needed .

  9. 当然了,不是每个随年龄增长心情也起伏不定的人就是在为失智症的警讯所苦。

    Of course , not everyone experiencing mood swings with age is suffering warning signs of dementia .

  10. 医生说他得了初期的失智症。

    Doctors say if they didn 't know any better , he has the beginnings of dementia .

  11. 首先计算失智症患者之年龄别性别髋关节骨折发生率与标准化发生比。

    We calculated incidence rate and standardized incidence ratio ( SIR ) of hip fractures among patients with dementia .

  12. 失智症,在老年人之间更加普遍,在约略超过十年期间就会恶化且会致命。

    Alzheimer 's disease , more common in the elderly , worsens over roughly a10 - year period and is fatal .

  13. 米勒透过显影技术的帮助,确定罹患额颞叶失智症的人所丧失的神经元主要是在左大脑半球。

    With the help of imaging techniques , Miller has determined that people with frontotemporal dementia lose neurons primarily in the left hemisphere .

  14. 他表示,如果拿两个都有轻度认知障碍的人相较,出现心情或行为转变的那个人,失智症会更快全面发作。

    If two people have mild cognitive impairment , the one with mood or behavior changes develops full-blown dementia faster , he said .

  15. 接下来以百万抽样归人档,选取年龄与性别匹配之非失智症族群,估计失智症发生髋关节骨折的相对风险。

    To determine the relative risk of dementia we compared the incidence of hip fracture among patients with dementia and patients without dementia .

  16. 定期适量地喝咖啡已被证实能够降低患失智症、帕金森病、阿尔茨海默病以及抑郁症的风险。

    Regular and moderate coffee consumption has been shown to lower the risk of developing dementia , Parkinson 's disease , Alzheimer 's disease , and depression .

  17. 研究发现,照护得了失智症的亲人中,约三分之一人因本身的经验而觉得「宗教信仰更坚强」。

    The study found that about one-third of people caring for a loved one with alzheimer 's disease felt " more religious " because of the experience .

  18. 2011年10月,在医疗评估证明贝当古患有失智症和阿尔茨海默病后,一名法官命令她由女儿监护。

    In October 2011 , a judge ordered Bettencourt placed under her daughter 's guardianship after a medical evaluation found she had dementia and Alzheimer 's disease .

  19. 伊斯梅尔表示,不论在失智症中损害记忆与思考能力的因素是什么,都可能影响脑部调节情绪与自制的系统。

    Whatever is eroding memory and thinking skills in the dementia process may also affect the brain 's systems of emotional regulation and self-control , he said .

  20. 双语者的大脑可以持续不断地接收强化训练,这能让一些病症(如阿兹海默痴呆症和失智症)的发作推迟至5年以后。

    The heightened workout a bilingual brain receives throughout its life can also help delay the onset of diseases , like Alzheimers and Dementia by as much as 5 years .

  21. 本文针对常見非癌症如失智症以及末期心脏、肺脏、肾脏等老人疾病,在缓和医療相关议的处理提出說明。

    Some issues about terminal non-cancer diseases in the elderly were discussed in this article , inclusive of dementia , advanced heart disease , advanced lung disease , and end-stage renal disease .

  22. 本研究的限制是无法区分不同严重程度失智症,这是未来研究应该进一步厘清的重点。

    One of the limitations of this study was that we could not stratify the incidence rate by severity and stage of dementia , which should be the focus of future studies .

  23. 他表示,许多被诊断出有轻度认知障碍的人,甚至在诊断十年后都没有完全发展成失智症,其中还有多达20%的人的认知功能稍后又被判为正常。

    Many people given an M.C.I. diagnosis do not develop full-blown dementia even a decade later , and as many as 20 percent have later been deemed cognitively normal , he said .

  24. 老年忧郁症合并执行功能障碍则会提高未来出现失智症的危险性。老年忧郁症是由一群不同原因所造成情感困扰的疾病,并可表现出各种不同的特徵。

    Disorders of the basal ganglia and their prefrontal projections are often complicated by depression and result in executive dysfunction . Depression in late life represents a heterogeneous group of mood disturbances that may present with variable features .

  25. 我在这月第17日为老年失智症澳洲回到作为社区照料工人的我的旧位置,希望我将会向后地被客户所放置我为中国在我之前向左照看。

    I return to my old position as community care worker for Alzheimer 's Australia on the17th of this month , hopefully I will be placed back with the clients I took care of before I left for China .