
  • sunspot cycle
  1. 太阳黑子周形态的由来(Ⅰ)

    A cause for the morphology of the sunspot cycle (ⅰ)

  2. 地磁太阳黑子周变化起源的讨论

    Discussion on the source problem of the geomagnetic solar cycle variations

  3. 太阳黑子周极小年的统计性质&兼论第22周起始极小是否已经出现

    Statistical Characteristics of Solar Minima and the Beginning Minimum of the Solar Cycle 22

  4. 这种表现复杂的地方性差异,更反映出太阳黑子周变化源于外场之说是有问题的。

    These complicated local differences imply that the solar cycle variations are of external is questionable .

  5. 太平洋及大洋洲地区地磁台太阳黑子周变化揭示的新问题

    Change On the solar cycle variations of the magnetic observatories in the Pacific and Oceania region

  6. 年轮的Ng明显地受太阳黑子活动周的影响,随着太阳周而变化,只是峰谷和峰值年要前移或后推1&2年。

    The Ng of wood was prominently influenced by the period of sunspot activity and it varies with the solar period , but the values of peak and valley have been preacted 2-3 years or postponed .

  7. 这二个参数的函数可以很好的描述太阳黑子面积活动周。

    Then , the cycle shapes of sunspot areas can be adequately described by using a simple function with only two free parameters .

  8. 参考国际太阳活动22黑子周的预报结果,该地区下一次动物鼠疫大流行可能出现在21世纪初的2000~2002年间。

    The next epizootic of plague in this areas will be able to occur in period of 2000 ~ 2002 of 21 century based on the forecast results of international sunspot activity of solar cycle 22 .

  9. 目前正处于太阳黑子活动第23周单周峰年之后的下降时段,该统计区内强震发生的概率极低。

    It is in the declining period of 23rd week at present , so the probability of earthquake in the region is very low .