
  1. 阳[阴,中,通]性朱熹理学心性观与太极阴阳说之关系探微

    On the relation of theory of heart and humanity in Zhu Xi ′ s Neo-Confucianism with the ideas about Yin and Yang and Tai Chi

  2. 汤因比不仅仔细研究了中国的太极阴阳之说,并且用这一学说来解说自己的文明理论。

    He applies the basic concept of Yin-Yang theory not only to the evolution of Chinese civilization , but also to other civilizations in the world .

  3. 太极阴阳学对太极拳的产生和发展起着至关重要的影响,是太极拳哲理思维的基础。

    Taiji Yinyang is the basis of both Chinese philosophy and philosophical Taiji thought , and is very important and influential to the birth and development of Taijiquan .

  4. 对我来说,我们的生活似乎是平行的,就像太极图里阴阳在异中求同。

    To my mind , our lives ran along the parallel lines signified by the Taoist " T'ai-Chi "( the " yin-yang " symbol ) .

  5. 根据中国传统太极图阴阳思想,对知识创造太极模型进行了改造,重新构建了创意产业集群知识创新的太极螺旋模型,并对模型的六个环节和双螺旋路径进行了详细说明。

    According to the diagram of tai chi , altering the Taiji Model of the knowledge creation , it rebuilds the Taiji Model of the knowledge innovation in creative industrial cluster and particularizes the six segments and the two spiraling routes .

  6. 中国哲学有自己独特的,传统的观念,如自然法,进化论,理性,精神空虚,信誉,知识的本质,本质,太极,阴阳等。所有这些概念结合着中国思想家的智慧。

    The Chinese philosophy has its own unique , traditional concepts , such as natural law , evolution , rationality , spirit , emptiness , trustworthiness , knowledge , essence , practice , supreme ultimate , yin and yang , etc. All such concepts incorporate the wisdom of the Chinese ideologist .

  7. 解析中华太极图的阴阳数字化之谜

    A Probe into the Mystery of Digitized Diagram of Chinese Supreme Ultimate

  8. 太极分为阴阳二气,阴阳二气产生木、火、土、金、水这五行。

    Taiji comprises yin and yang , two types of vital energy . The five elements of wood , fire , earth , metal and water derive from yin and yang . These five elements correspond to , or affect , particular human organs .

  9. 太极是用来统一阴阳、五行观念的最高范畴,它既是自然的本体,又是自然的存在样式。

    Taiji , which is not only the nature noumenon but also the nature modality , is the tiptop category to unionize the idea of Yinyang and Wuxing .

  10. 五行代表或作用于人体器官,即火对心,木对肝,土对脾胃,金对肺,水对。肾。阴阳化合而生万物,太极则代表了阴阳调和。

    That is , the element of the fire corresponds to the heart , the wood to the liver , the earth to the spleen and the stomach , the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney .

  11. 司马光构建了一个最高范畴&太极,太极即万化之本源,太极分化出阴阳二气,阴阳之变和五行之化所体现出来的规律就是易道。

    Sima Guang constructed a highest category which we called tai chi , as the great ultimate , tai chi to differentiate the two Qi of Yin and Yang , the laws of motion of Yin and Yang and five elements are the spirit of Yi-ology .