
  • 网络swan dance;Dance of the Swans;ROK-EX Velvet Minuet
  1. 所以哈萨克、鄂温克、赫哲等民族中都有“天鹅舞”的流传。

    One finds " Swan Dances " in Kazakh , Ewenki and Hezhe nationalities .

  2. 此外,鄂温克族妇女表演的“跳虎”、“天鹅舞”等,也是模拟鸟兽的动态、边喊边跳,都有图腾崇拜的遗意。

    The " Jumping Tiger " and " Swan " dances performed by Ewenki women also imitate actions of a beast or bird , accompanied by shouting , showing their worship for totem .

  3. 这就是天鹅之舞!

    This is the swan dance !