
  • 【辩证法】the nature of Heaven Tao
  1. 韩婴则承于道家之说,将黄老之学天道自然的思想进一步贯彻到社会政治领域。

    Han Ying inherits much from Taoism , further applying the thought of way of Heaven to the political arena of the society .

  2. 朱子的“天理”观,显示了从天道自然到理所当然的人文道德之价值维度。

    The Zhuzi 's theory of feudal ethics shows the value dimension which covers from the natural laws to the deserved natural ethics .

  3. 在天道自然范式确立和整体气论形成的同时或者之后,中医学亦发展出自己独立的气论。

    When or after the natural paradigm was established and the general Qi theory was formed , an independent Qi theory exclusive to TCM emerged .

  4. 试图从元气自然论、天道自然论、天人合一这三方面对其音乐自然观进行简单的分析与研究。

    It also researches on his natural view on music from three aspects : natural view on vitality , natural view on heaven and earth and the unity of heaven and human .

  5. 当时以天道自然观为起点的魏晋玄学已深入了社会生活的各个方面,并造成了消极的影响。

    At that time , Wei-Jin metaphysics , featuring Way of Heaven ( i.e. natural law ), had begun to penetrate each aspect of social life , which began to produce negative influence .

  6. 天道自然思想与曹禺改革黑暗、丑陋的现实中国,追求光明的新社会的理想呈现着天然的精神联系。

    There is also natural relationship between the " spiritual principles , nature " thoughts and Cao Yu 's ideals that reform darkness , ugly society ; go in for bright , new society .

  7. 玄学家则从天道自然的角度,认为昆虫万物都是自然自生自化的结果,主张人类活动应遵循自然法则,否则就有虫灾。

    From the perspectives of " heaven nature ", metaphysicians thought insects and all things were all the results of self-run of the nature . They advocated human activities should follow natural laws , or pest disasters would happen .

  8. 刘向要求则天顺时,强调社会历史的变化、发展。这与道家的天道自然观和辩证法思想有着某种相同、相通之处。分析了普通高校体育与社会的融合及其发展趋势等。

    Liu Xiang claimed that mankind should follow natural laws and submit to current situation , and placed emphasis on the change and development of society , an idea which has mach in common with Taoist natural idea and dialectical thought .

  9. 对天道礼法和自然法的常见误识作了中西法律文化比较和会通;并系统论证了王道合法性。

    Ritual law in Heaven way and natural law made false identification and comparison of Chinese and Western legal culture will pass .

  10. 在对自然规律认识的基础上,指出政治也要合于天道,顺应自然,从而构建出一种管理社会生产生活的政治模式。

    This paper points out that politics must suit natural laws and conform to its natural tendency so that a political mode of running social production and life , based on the cognition of natural laws , can be formed .