
  • 网络natural gas engineering
  1. 从筠连县民用天然气工程看我国小城镇气化

    Analysis of small-town gasifying through the jun-lian county civil natural gas engineering

  2. 石油与天然气工程专业工程硕士培养的实践与体会

    Measures and Experiences on the Education of M.Eng in Oil and Gas Engineering

  3. 招标择优:大型天然气工程项目宏观管理的新尝试&广东LNG试点项目招标案例分析

    Selection of the Best through Bidding : A New Trial of Macro Management of a Large-scale Natural Gas Project & Analysis of the Bidding Process for the Guangdong LNG Pilot Project

  4. 不过,国会议员却没有在法案中加入一个更强硬的条款,要求美国雪佛龙公司放弃他们在缅甸海域亚达纳YADANA天然气工程的股份。

    At the same time , lawmakers stopped short of including a stronger provision that would have required the U.S.Chevron company to give up its share of the Yadana natural gas project in Burmese waters .

  5. 原油和天然气工程设计防火规范

    Code for fire protection design of crude oil and natural gas works

  6. 平顶山市天然气工程环境效益分析

    Environmental Benefit Analysis of NG Project in Pingdingshan City

  7. 中国石油大学石油天然气工程学院·北京;

    Oil and Gas Engineering Institute , University of Petroleum , Beijing ; and2 .

  8. 四川石油管理局科宏石油天然气工程有限公司;

    Sichuan Kehong Oil & Gas Engineering Co. , Ltd. , Sichuan Petroleum Administration Bureau ; 2 .

  9. 合理利用长输管线末端储气减少天然气工程投资

    Use the Terminal End of Long-distance Pipeline Rationally for Gas Storage to Reduce the Investment in Natural Gas Project

  10. 化工过程模拟软件在液化天然气工程中的应用流化床煤气化技术工业化过程的优化与模拟

    Application of Petrochemical Industry Process Simulation Software in LNG Engineering Optimization and Simulation of Industrial Coal Gasification in Fluidized Bed Reactor

  11. 该仪表适用于石油、化工、天然气工程等工业生产中强腐蚀性介质的液位指示。

    The Instrument applies to oil , chemicals , natural gas , and other industrial production in the medium-corrosive liquid level instructions .

  12. 钻杆是开采石油和天然气工程中的主要设备之一,钻杆接头是连接各段钻杆的部件。

    Drill pipe is one of the main equipments for oil and natural gas exploration . And it is connected by the tool joints .

  13. 结合西安天然气工程的实际情况,从设计、施工及运行管理等方面对天然气工程的安全管理进行了探讨。

    According to practical situation of Xi'an natural gas engineering , safe management of design , construction , and operation and maintenance is discussed .

  14. 本文所研究的长庆石油勘探局是一家提供石油天然气工程技术服务、生产相关产品并具有多种经营功能的综合性国有非上市企业。

    As a comprehensive national non-listed company , Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau this paper focuses on provides petroleum and natural oil engineering technology services , production society service and diversified functions .

  15. 以宜兴市城市天然气工程为例,对利用高压管道解决城市用户的日调峰、小时调峰问题的可行性进行了研究。

    Take Yixing City Gas Project as an example , a feasibility study to deal with the daily and hourly peak shaving with high pressure pipeline for city gas consumption is made .

  16. 介绍平顶山城市燃气现状、规划中的天然气工程概况,以及引进天然气后的环境效益。

    The status quo of town gas supply in Pingdingshan City , general situation of the planned NG project and the estimated environmental benefits after introducing NG to the City are stated .

  17. 分析了《石油和天然气工程设计防火规范》(GB50183-93)中安全距离的计算方法,提出了另外一种计算方法。

    Analysing the computing method of safety distance in the " Specification of Fire Preventation in Oil and Gas Engineering Design "( GB 50183 - 93 ), a computing method is put forward .

  18. 一个石油天然气工程必须经过几个阶段,大致可分为四个阶段:预可行性研究阶段、可行性研究阶段、初步设计阶段、施工图设计阶段。

    So many oil fields and gas fields need be developed . Oil and natural gas engineering must come through four phases & preliminary feasibility study phase , feasibility study phase , conceptual phase , construction documents design phase .

  19. 中国石油行业重组之后,石油天然气工程技术服务行业市场竞争格局发生了巨大的变化,原有的区域市场被打破,全行业的服务能力供过于求。

    After China petroleum industry 's reform , the petroleum engineering and technical service market rivalry pattern has a substantial changes , the original district market is broken , the supply of service ability exceeds the demand in the whole industry .

  20. 应用该方法以投资总额、总成本、还贷年限、销售气量等作为考核指标,对我国从俄罗斯引进天然气工程方案进行了决策分析。

    Used the method , a decision analysis for the project of introducing natural gas from Russia was carried out by introducing , total cost , redemption time for loan and sale quantity of natural gas etc , as objective function .

  21. 然后,对南宁市明阳淀粉厂以及安宁淀粉厂的生物天然气工程试行情况,从技术工艺、能源经济效益、环境效益以及市场情况进行分析,并在最后提出战略性建议和对策。

    Then , we introduce the trial operation of Ming Yang and AnNing starch factory in Nanning , from the parts of technical , the benefits of economy and environment and the market situation . Finally we propose some recommendations and countermeasures .

  22. 对天然气发电工程F级单轴联合循环机组招标的建议

    Suggestions on the public bidding of F-class single shaft combined cycle unit in the current natural gas-fired generation projects

  23. 天然气发电工程CDM项目开发的探讨

    Discussion on the CDM project of natural gas-fired generation engineering

  24. 选取水电站工程(天生桥一级水电站工程)和天然气开发工程(孝新合气田开发工程)两类建设项目作为分析对象,利用TM遥感影像进行项目区域土地覆被变化分析。

    Two kinds of construction project-hydropower reservoir project ( Tianshengqiao No.1 hydropower reservoir ) and natural gas field exploitation project ( Xiaoxinhe natural gas field ) were discussed , and the land cover changes in the project areas were analyzed through interpretation of the Landsat-TM data .

  25. 钢质天然气管道工程施工控制要求和质量监督

    Controlling Requirements & Quality Monitoring on Steel Natural Gas Line Construction

  26. 城市天然气利用工程投资规模和工程造价控制浅论

    On the engineering investment and pricing control of city gas utilization

  27. 天然气乙炔工程项目后评价研究

    Study on the Project Post-Evaluation of Natural Gas Based Acetylene Project

  28. 城市天然气利用工程的环境事故风险评价

    Environmental accident risk assessment on engineering of using city natural gas

  29. 石油与天然气管道工程最优化技术的综述

    A Summary of the Optimization of Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering

  30. 天然气建设工程项目评标的量化及应用

    Quantization and application of assessing bid of natural gas constructing project