
  1. 雪停止了,天晴了。

    The snow stopped falling and the sky cleared .

  2. 今天上午多云,但后来天晴了。

    It was cloudy this morning , but it turned out fine later .

  3. 等天晴了,再去游。

    Go to swim when it clears up .

  4. 早上好,哈利,又天晴了,是吧?

    Morning , harry , it 's turned out fine again , hasn 't it ?

  5. 天晴了,那是因为我的真诚;即使结冰了,那也是因为我祝福的永恒!

    The weather was fine , that is because of my sincerity , Even though freezing , that is because I blessed forever !