
tiān hòu ɡōnɡ
  • Goddess' Palace
  1. 唐人街记载了吉隆坡的开端,而天后宫则是这座繁忙都市中的一块美丽绿洲。

    Chinatown carries traces of the city 's beginnings and the Thean Hou Temples is a gorgeous oasis from the busy city .

  2. 古文化街以天后宫为中心,拱形装饰。

    The Ancient Cultural Street , with Tianhougong ( palace of heavenly empress ) as the center , starts with a decorated archway .

  3. 青岛天后宫既是妈祖文化的主要载体,也是青岛重要的城市文化资源。

    Qingdao Tianhou Temple is the major carrier of the A-ma culture of Qingdao as well as the important resources of urban culture .

  4. 利用这些资料,主要从政治、经济、文化三个方面,分析泉州天后宫对推动两岸交流的促进作用。

    Establishing on the documentation , The paper wants to analyze the influence brought by the Mazu exchange from political , economical , and cultural respects .

  5. 天后宫的戏楼是即墨地方戏曲柳腔戏的主要发祥地和表演的舞台之一。

    Tin Hau Temple of the Peking Opera Theater is a local opera Jimo Liu chamber opera and performing the main stage for one of the birthplace .

  6. 现有的海鲜食肆和海鲜档的环境将进一步改善,又修缮海口灯塔及天后宫使其成为鲤鱼门的地标。

    The current seafood restaurants and stalls were renovated with modern design , while the lighthouse and Tin Hau Temple were preserved as the landmarks of Lei Yue mun .

  7. 为弘扬妈祖文化,宜修复天后宫等古迹,为发展嘉兴临港型经济和旅游业服务。

    In order to develop Mazu Culture , some historic sites , such as the Queen of Heaven Palace , should be restored to serve the port economy and tourism of Jiaxing .