
  • 网络large aircraft
  1. 中国人的大飞机梦何时圆?

    When Can the Chinese Dream of Large Aircraft Be Realized ?

  2. 我国大飞机项目实施过程中的系统化管理研究

    The Systematic Management of China 's Large Aircraft Project Implementation Process Research

  3. 中国各航空公司财富的增长,已促使美国航空巨头波音(Boeing)上调了对中国未来几年购买大飞机数量的预测。

    The improving fortunes of Chinese airlines has led Boeing , the American aerospace giant , to raise its estimates for how many big jets they will buy in the coming years .

  4. 质疑建立CACC公司这一行业政策的合理性的最后一个理由是,制造商用大飞机已经不再是一个国家的事情了。

    A final reason to question whether the industrial policy behind the creation of CACC makes sense is that manufacturing big commercial aircraft has ceased to be a national enterprise .

  5. 很荣幸,我要开一架大飞机。

    My pleasure . I gotta go fly a big plane .

  6. 蓝色是一架大飞机飞行的天空。

    Blue is the sky where a big plane flies .

  7. 要自主研制大飞机,使用复合材料是是必然的选择。

    Composites is inevitable choice for independently development of the large aircraft .

  8. 不适合你这样的大飞机,先生。

    Couldn 't accommodate a plane your slze , slr .

  9. 大飞机工程是国家正在进行中的一个战略性大工程项目。

    Large Plane Project is a big ongoing national strategic engineering project .

  10. 看,天上有架大飞机。

    Look ! There is a big plane flying in tehe sky .

  11. 那架大飞机有什么特别的吗?

    Is there something special with that big airplane ?

  12. 大飞机与中国海军远洋战略构想

    Large Aircraft and the Chinese Navy 's Deepsea Strategy

  13. 不过,我只是在想这是一个大飞机低空飞行。

    Nevertheless , I was just thinking it was a large plane flying low .

  14. 大飞机乘员舱热载荷的工程估算方法

    Engineering estimation methods of thermal load of airplane

  15. 唐:这种大飞机都有两个驾驶员。

    These big planes always carry two pilots .

  16. 李家祥表示,大国需要大飞机。

    Big countries need big aeroplanes , said Li Jiaxiang , Air China chairman .

  17. 他可能是架大飞机。

    He may have a jumbo jet .

  18. 航空大国在民用和军用航空发动机规范中都有专门条文对包容性做出严格规定,我国自行研制的大飞机涡扇发动机,要取得适航证,就必须通过包容性验证。

    Chinese large aircraft turbofan engine must be verified through inclusive to obtain airworthiness certificate .

  19. 解密中国大飞机项目

    Deciphering China 's Big Plane Project

  20. 研制和发展大飞机,是我国的重大科技专项。

    To manufacture and develop large airplane is a major science and technology projects of China .

  21. 通过分析评价,确定大飞机产业作为主导产业。

    Through analysis and evaluation , the large aircraft industry was being determined as a leading industry .

  22. 而分析师安东尼?科德斯曼表示以色列没有投放这些所需要武器的更大飞机。

    And analyst Anthony Cordesman says Israel does not have the larger aircraft required to deliver those weapons .

  23. 整体壁板成形是大飞机制造的关键难题之一。

    The forming of integral panels is one of the key issues in the manufacture of large passenger aircraft .

  24. 中国大飞机项目决策过程的动态博弈分析&兼论创新型国家发展战略

    Game Theory Analysis of Decision-making Process in China 's Large Aircraft Projects & Simultaneous Discussion on Innovative Country Development Strategy

  25. 因此,从集群式创新的角度来研究大飞机的发展,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , the study of large aircraft from the perspective of clustering innovation has important theoretical significance and practical significance .

  26. 在当前国家大力发展大飞机项目的背景下,针对飞行模拟器关键技术进行研究将更加紧要。

    The study of key technique on flight simulator is emergent , for our government has decided to promote project of big aircraft .

  27. 规划者原以为绝大多数客机会是大飞机,平均载客量300人。

    The planners had assumed that the vast majority of aircraft would be large , with an average of 300 people on board .

  28. 包括上述订单在内,这两大飞机制造商在本次航展上宣布的订单总额达到260亿美元。

    The orders were part of a total of $ 26bn-worth of deals announced by the big two aircraft makers at the show .

  29. 这反映出,全球正转向点对点直飞,而不是让旅客乘坐大飞机在枢纽机场中转。

    This is part of a worldwide move towards point-to-point flights , rather than connecting passengers feeding into large aircraft at hub airports .

  30. 伴随着我国国产大飞机项目的启动,铝合金大型锻件成形的研究已经成为关注的焦点。

    As the beginning of the Large Plane Program in our country , the forging processing of Al alloy become the focus of public .