
  • 网络continental monsoon climate
  1. 属于暖温带滨海半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明。

    Belong to the coastal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate , four distinct seasons .

  2. 我国大部分地区属于大陆性季风气候,夏季雨水充沛。

    China has a continental monsoon climate in most parts , with plenty of rain in summer .

  3. 晋中属暖温带大陆性季风气候,季节变化明显。

    Jinzhong a warm temperate continental monsoon climate , seasonal changes .

  4. 中国气候具有大陆性季风气候显著和气候复杂多样两大特征。

    China has a marked continental monsoonal climate characterized by great variety .

  5. 阳泉市属暧温带半湿润大陆性季风气候区。

    Yangquan municipal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone .

  6. 属暖温带大陆性季风气候,季风特点显著,四季分明。

    A warm temperate continental monsoon climate , characterized by significant winds , four seasons .

  7. 该区属温带半干旱半湿润偏旱大陆性季风气候,其小麦生产的气候特点是:光能丰富,生产潜力大;

    The wheat production climate characteristic is : the sunlight is rich , the productive potential is big ;

  8. 该地区属温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,气候温和,日照充足;

    The area is a temperate continental monsoon climate , the climate is mild , the sunshine is sufficient .

  9. 我国盛行大陆性季风气候,冬冷夏热和冬干夏湿。

    The prevailing continental monsoon Climate in our country brings us the cold dry winter and hot wet summer .

  10. 大庆湖泊群地处中温带亚湿润大陆性季风气候区。

    The group of lakes in Daqing locate in the sub temperate Zone with a sub humid continental monsoon climate .

  11. 气候温和湿润,属暖温带滨海半湿润大陆性季风气候,四季分明,雨热同季。

    Moderately humid climate , is a coastal sub-humid warm temperate continental monsoon climate , four seasons , with hot rainy season .

  12. 属于中纬度暖温带,半湿润气候区大陆性季风气候类型。

    It is in the warm temperate zone of middle latitude , and belongs to continental monsoon climate type of subhumid climate zone .

  13. 鄂尔多斯处于黄河几字形内部,属于干旱半干旱的大陆性季风气候。

    Locating in the zigzag of the Yellow River , the energy base of Ordos in Inner Mongolia has an arid and semiarid continental monsoon climate .

  14. 平谷区属于温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均日照时数2555.3小时,总积温4611℃;

    In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone , Pinggu District has clear-cut four seasons , 2,555.3 annual average sunshine hours and4611 ℃ total accumulative temperature .

  15. 通化属于温带大陆性季风气候,特征是春季风大干燥,夏季温热多雨,秋季凉爽,冬季漫长。

    Tonghua has temperate continental climate , which is characterized by strong winds in spring , dry 、 warm and rainy in summer , cool in autumn , winter longer .

  16. 全县属大陆性季风气候,北部山区昼夜温差大,是发展林果,花卉的基地;

    The county is a continental monsoon climate , the temperature difference between day and night in the northern mountainous areas , the development of fruit and flowers as a base ;

  17. 气候属于暖温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,降雨量充足,环境优美,气温适宜。

    The climate belongs to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate , the four seasons is distinct , the rainfall amount is sufficient , excellent surroundings , temperature being suitable .

  18. 该区属常年干燥,降水稀少的温带干旱半干旱大陆性季风气候,水资源短缺,生态环境脆弱,地表沙化和水土流失严重。

    However , it belonges to the arid and semi-arid temperate continental monsoon climate , precipitation , strong evaporation , water shortages , fragile ecological environment , land desertification and soil erosion .

  19. 本区属暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,春季干燥多风,夏季炎热多雨,秋季降温迅速,冬季寒冷少雪。

    Belonged to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate , four seasons , dry and windy spring , hot summer and rainy , cool quickly in the fall , winter cold and less snow .

  20. 新华区地处黑龙港流域,是华北冲击平原,地势低平,气候温和,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。

    Black Dragon River is located in Hong Kong , Xinhua District , is the impact of the North China plain , low and flat , mild climate , is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate .

  21. 以山东省潍坊市为例,从分析当地的自然条件入手,对暖温带大陆性季风气候旱作和灌溉条件下的土地生产潜力进行了探讨。在寒温带,D。

    Based on the natural conditions , this paper takes Weifang city as example to look into the land resources potential productivity of the area in which dry farming and irrigation farming exist together . In cold temperate regions , D.

  22. 全县位于中纬度地区,属东亚大陆季风气候,中温带干旱区,大陆性季风气候特征明显,四季分明。

    County is located in mid-latitudes is the mainland of East Asia monsoon climate , the drought in the temperate zone continental monsoon climate characteristics , four distinct seasons .