
dà guō fàn
  • food prepared in a large canteen cauldron;"big-pot" distribution system;mess Big Pot Rice;extreme equalitarianism;food prepared in a common mess;same privileges everyone in the same institution enjoys;"the big rice bowl" system;"big-pot" system
大锅饭 [dà guō fàn]
  • [mess Big Pot Rice;extreme equalitarianism;food prepared in a common mess;same privileges everyone in the same institution enjoys] 原指用大锅烧的供很多人吃的饭菜,现又比喻分配上的极端平均主义

大锅饭[dà guō fàn]
  1. 只有懒汉庸才才会留恋那大锅饭的年代。

    Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together .

  2. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  3. 他认为大锅饭会阻碍生产。

    He thought the open board were there to decrease production .

  4. 种什么吃什么,一起煮大锅饭。

    You eat what you grow and everyone pitches in together .

  5. 这样一来就消除了通常称作吃“大锅饭”的局面。

    Thus , it can avoid the phenomenon normally called enjoying " the mess " .

  6. 在吃大锅饭的情况下,干多干少、干好干坏都一样。

    Under the old system , there is no difference between more or less work and the good or bad results .

  7. 现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。

    At present we don 't want to dampen the vitality of the developed areas or encourage the practice of having everyone " eat from the same Big pot " .

  8. 一些陈旧的管理模式已经被证明无法适应现代企业的高效工作要求,吃大锅饭,平均主义的时代已经过去。

    The past old management mode has been proved deprecated and can not feet the requirement of high efficient and variable work environment in current company . The equalitarianism time was over .

  9. 他们充分发挥才智,迅速开动脑筋,在唯一的通讯方式-无线电的帮助下,他们找到了做“大锅饭”的方法,同时,他们还从邻区运进食品。

    Using ingenuity and quick thinking , with wireless as the only means of communication , they arranged for food to be cooked in large quantities and brought in from the neighboring districts .

  10. 过去搞平均主义,吃大锅饭,实际上是共同落后,共同贫穷,我们就是吃了这个亏。

    We used to practise egalitarianism , with everyone " eating from the same big pot " . In fact , that practice meant common backwardness and poverty , which caused us much suffering .

  11. 在长期的计划经济体制下形成的对人力资源价值的忽略和漠视,以及由此而形成的大锅饭式的分配方式,导致人才的缺乏、浪费、流失和埋没。

    Neglect of human resource value and ignoring that formed under long-term planned economic system and the method of salary distribution of " mess " type cause talents ' shortage , waste , loss and burying .

  12. 我国的财政风险处于发散的状态,呈不断扩大的趋势,原因在于制度缺陷导致的风险大锅饭,破坏了收益与风险对称的基本规则,从而形成了一种风险累积和集中的机制。

    The author also points out that fiscal risk in China spreads widely due to institutional flaws where the basic rule for the symmetry of return and risk has already been destroyed and various risks are thus generated and centralized .

  13. 但是1980年以后,我国改革开放不断发展,由计划经济体制渐进的向市场经济体制过渡,大锅饭、高保障的医疗体制弊端日显突出,严重的影响了国有企业的改革和经济体制的发展。

    Since 1980 , with the development of reform and opening , the planned economy changed into a market economy . The old health care system shows shortcomings , which seriously affected the state-owned enterprise reform and development of the economic system .

  14. 一直以来,我国文化事业单位在计划经济体制下,长期处于政府统揽、依托财政、薪酬大锅饭、员工铁饭碗的局面。

    For a long time , the cultural institutions have been placed under the planned economy system in the country , and the salaries in them are supported by the public finance while the staffs in them have the so-called Iron Rice Bowls .

  15. 三是要建立完善的公务员福利保障体系,并积极打破近年来逐渐蔓延的大锅饭格局,激发公务员积极进取的精神。

    The third part is that security system of civil servants ' welfare should be established and perfected , the " big-pot " distribution system which has spread around is broken up aggressively , and the civil servants ' spirit of aggressiveness is stimulated .

  16. 由于全国实行了经济改革,中国农民已打破了延续了几十年的大锅饭制度。

    Thanks to the economic reform across the country , farmers in China have Broken the " common Big rice pot " system that existed for decades , i.e. the absolute equalitarianism whereby everyone gets the usual pay and Benefits irrespective of his performance .

  17. 改革开放以来,中国从实行家庭联产承包责任制入手,将集体劳动、平均分配的大锅饭式生产方式改为一家一户独立劳动、自主经营的生产方式,调动了农民的积极性。

    Since the reform and opening up , China had the household contract responsibility system , and changed the methods of product from collective labor and on average to a household labor and independent business mode of production , which aroused the enthusiasm of farmers .

  18. 要打破我省现有公路养护体制大锅饭,必须解决全省公路养护职工的后顾之忧和必要的补偿费,即必须解决好全省养护职工的养老、失业、医疗三大保险,住房补贴和辞职补偿金;

    If the government want to break the " mess " of the highway cure system , the author suggests that the government has to solve well three major insurances such as retirement , unemployment , medical treatment and Housing allowance and compensation payment of resignation of all maintenance workers .