
dà dū shì
  • metropolis;large city;bigalopolis
大都市[dà dū shì]
  1. 东莞,正默默加速,迈向国际大都市进程中。

    Dongguan is accelerating its development to be an international bigalopolis silently .

  2. 这一单词结合了前缀aero-(与飞机和航空有关)和单词metropolis(大都市),也称为航空城市或机场城市。

    This word combines the prefix2 aero - , " relating to airplanes and aviation " and the word metropolis3 , " a large city . " It 's also called an aviation city or an airport city .

  3. 她把住在纽约视为一件苦事——她讨厌大都市。

    She regards living in New York as a penance ; she hates big cities .

  4. 这个问题应该由当地及大都市政府共同解决。

    This is an issue that should be decided by local and metropolitan government .

  5. 纽约是北美的大都市。

    New York is the metropolis of North America .

  6. 大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。

    He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis .

  7. 新来者对大都市拥挤的交通不习惯。

    The newcomer is not used to the heavy traffic in big cities .

  8. 大都市的居民习惯于快节奏。

    Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm .

  9. 他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。

    They simply don 't like the environment of civilization ; this is , the city , with all its ugliness and tension .

  10. 最近几年,很多中等规模的城市开始采取一种中庸之道,将大都市的刺激与机遇和小城市午夜后的静谥相结合。

    In recent years , many mid-sized cities have begun to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach incorporating the excitement and opportunity of large cities with small cities ' quiet after midnight .

  11. 二十年前,美国城市土地学会定义了美国国土上两种主流的城市类型:实行朝九晚五商业时间的小城市和一天24小时运转的大城市大都市。

    Twenty years ago , the Urban Land Institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the US landscape : smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day .

  12. 在费城这个比达拉斯还小的大都市地区,艺术对经济的贡献将近300万美元,创造了4.4万个工作岗位,其中80%的岗位来自艺术行业之外,包括会计师、营销人员、建筑工人、酒店经理、印刷工和其他类型的艺术工作者。

    In Philadelphia , a metro area smaller than Dallas , the arts have an economic impact of almost $ 3 million and support 44,000 jobs , 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry , including accountants , marketers , construction workers , hotel managers , printers , and other kinds of art workers .

  13. 特森诺夫痛诋大都市,颂扬农民的美德

    Tessenow decried the metropolis and extolled the peasant virtues .

  14. 来自世界各地的建筑师都蜂拥而至这座处处高楼耸立的大都市——北京

    Architects from around the world are thronging to Beijing theacross the capital .

  15. 在这个金钱至上的大都市里,给小费是司空见惯的。

    Gratuity is customary in this money-mad metropolis .

  16. 上海是中国的大都市。

    Shanghai is a metropolis in China .

  17. “航空大都市”指的是城市设计、基础设施和经济形式都以大型机场为中心的城市。

    Aerotropolis refers to a city in which the layout , infrastructure1 , and economy are centered around a major airport .

  18. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。

    One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night .

  19. 建立人聚环境资源的理论框架测何把遥感、GIS、计算机多媒体技术应用于人聚环境资源评价普查上海大都市环境绿化规划及有关工程中这一理论技术的实例研究。

    Aided with computer science of remote sense and GIS , the author gives a case study on this application iu the planning project of environmental green space in Shanghai metropolis .

  20. 但2000年至2007年间,随着人们搬出大都市在睡城(bedroomcommunities)寻找更能负担得起的住宅,肯德尔县成为美国经济增长速度最快的县。

    But between 2000 and 2007 Kendall became the fastest-growing county in the US , as people moved out in search of more affordable property in bedroom communities .

  21. 一个世纪前,这座奥匈帝国(Austro-Hungarianempire)的首都曾是一个富裕的国际化大都市。

    A century ago the capital of the Austro-Hungarian empire was a rich cosmopolitan metropolis .

  22. 国际大都市Sub-CBD建设刍议

    A Primary study on the construction of Sub-CBD in the international metropolises

  23. 国际大都市的Sub-CBD(副中心)建设正在形成方兴未艾的热潮。

    The construction of Sub-CBD is now becoming the hot point of international metropolises .

  24. 有一点显而易见,许多大学所在的城市永远也不会成为全球性大都市。美国耶鲁大学(Yale)所在地、康涅狄格州的纽黑文永远也入围不了。

    What is clear , is that many universities are in locations that will never become global conurbations . New Haven , Connecticut ( home to Yale ) will never make the cut .

  25. 这座小镇的设计灵感来自包豪斯(Bauhaus)建筑的发祥地魏玛,其功能性和现代气息特别符合上海等大都市的周边环境。

    It was inspired by Weimar , cradle of Bauhaus architecture , which has a functionality and modernity rather in tune with the surroundings of a metropolis such as Shanghai .

  26. 公交导向发展(TOD)是资源节约、环境友好、土地集约型的精明增长方式,是我国大都市发展的战略选择和必由之路。

    Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) is a resource-con - serving , environment-friendly , land-intensive , and growth-smart de - velopment pattern , and is a strategic choice and the only way for metropolitan development in China .

  27. Instacart目前只在旧金山湾区提供服务,梅塔希望到明年底扩大到美国10个主要的大都市。

    Available in the bay area now , Mehta wants to be in 10 major metropolitan areas by the end of next year .

  28. Zipcar目前拥有约8500辆汽车,停放于14个大都市和200多家大学的专用停车点。

    For the uninitiated , Zipcar has a fleet of around 8,500 cars spread out in dedicated parking spots over 14 Metro markets and more than 200 college campuses .

  29. 根据我日前发布的对Zipcar的竞争对手、另一家汽车共享公司RelayRides首席执行官的采访,据信Zipcar在其所在的大都市市场的注册驾驶员中已达到5%-10%的渗透率。

    According to an interview I posted yesterday with the CEO of rival car-sharing company relayrides , Zipcar is believed to have penetration of between 5 % and 10 % of licensed drivers in its metro markets .

  30. 他还将首都从京都搬到了当时的江户(Edo,即现在的东京),将毫无实权的天皇抛在身后。他在江户设立朝廷,并迅速将它从小渔村建成一个大都市。

    He also moved the capital from Kyoto , leaving the powerless emperor behind , to the coastal town that he called Edo and that is now Tokyo , setting up a court there that quickly transformed the town from a tiny fishing village into a metropolis .