
  • 网络Battle Athletes;Battle Athletes Victory;decathlete
  1. 环顾各大运动赛场,会发现无数的粉丝穿着代表他们最喜欢的运动员的运动服。

    Look around any sporting event and you 'll see thousands of fans wearing their favorite players ' jersey .

  2. 最近有研究表明,时间短但强度大的运动,会快速增进体能与健康,即便锻炼时间只有几分钟。

    Recent studies show that very short but intense exercise rapidly builds and maintains fitness and health , even when the workout is only a few minutes long .

  3. 中等强度运动强度使大鼠血清中血红蛋白含量升高,而大强度运动强度会使大鼠血清中血红蛋白的含量降低,与铁在血清中含量变化相一致。

    Moderate-intensity exercise intensity so that increased serum levels of hemoglobin , while the high-intensity exercise intensity will make the content of hemoglobin in serum decreased with iron content in serum is consistent .