
  • 网络Atmospheric thermodynamics
  1. 非平衡态大气热力学的研究

    Research on atmospheric thermodynamics of non equilibrium state

  2. 对自20世纪80年代以来的大气热力学发展进行了综合评述,阐述了如城市热岛效应、全球增暖等非传统大气热力学问题;

    A comprehensive overview on the advances in atmospheric thermodynamics since 1980s is presented and some non-traditional issues , such as the global warming , the urban heat island and so on , are expounded .

  3. 经典大气热力学中的湿绝热过程和假绝热膨胀过程也只是它的一种特殊情况。

    Of course , the moist adiabatic process and the pseudo adiabatic process in classical atmosphere thermodynamics are also its special instance .

  4. 广义相当位温是一个包含水汽和液态水在内的新的大气热力学参量。

    The generalized potential equivalent temperature θ _s can be considered as a new atmospheric parameter which contains vapor and liquid water in it .

  5. 边界层湍流输送的若干问题和大气线性热力学

    Some Aspects of the Turbulent Transportation in Boundary Layer along with Atmospheric Linear Thermodynamics

  6. 大气的热力学总熵

    Total Atmosphere Thermodynamic Entropy

  7. 位涡,即位势涡度的简称,是一个综合反映大气动力学和热力学性质的物理量,广泛应用于天气系统的诊断和分析中。

    Potential vorticity , which is widely used in the diagnosis and analysis of atmospheric systems , is a physical variable that could synthesized reflect the dynamical and thermodynamics features of atmosphere .

  8. 基于大气非平衡态热力学的非线性理论,提出应发展突显热力学作用的数值模式,并阐述其必要性和可能性。

    On the basis of nonlinear theory of atmospheric non-equilibrium thermodynamics , a numerical model is developed Which is devoted to emphasizing thermodynamic effect , with its necessity and possibility discussed .

  9. 利用化学势对土壤植物水分大气连续体系进行热力学处理来推导水势数学式时,需要考虑体系的热平衡、力平衡和物质平衡,即热力学平衡。

    When thermodynamic treatment is carried out on a soil-plants-atmosphere-water system in order to derive a mathematical expression of water potential by use of the concept of chemical potentials , we have to consider the equilibrium of heat , forces and substances or then thermodynamic equilibrium in the system .

  10. 采用两层大气模式,通过求解线性化大气动力学&热力学方程组,得到在上层稳定层结覆盖的不稳定大气边界层中,简单三维地形引起的地形波及其波动阻力的解析表达式。

    In the present paper an analytical solution of mountain wave and surface wave drag has been obtained which induced by a three-dimensional isolated mountain in a two-layer model with a lower unstable boundary layer and an upper stable layer .

  11. 利用大气非线性动力学证明了广义能量极小值原理,进一步从理论上证明它是同大气非平衡态热力学最小熵产生原理在物理上是一致的。

    The minimal value principle of the generalized energy is demonstrated using the atmosphere nonlinear dynamics . It is demonstrated more theoretically that the minimal value principle is coincident to the principle of least entropy production in the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of atmosphere .