
  • 网络almond
  1. 美国大杏仁砧木微繁殖技术研究

    Micropropagation of Almond 's Rootstocks

  2. 此机还可以用于脱大杏仁、蚕豆的外皮。

    This machine can also be used for the cortex which takes off big almond , broad bean .

  3. 美国加州是世界上大杏仁的最主要产地。

    California grows the most and best almonds in the world .

  4. 用仁用杏杏仁经预调味、酥化熟制制成酥香大杏仁。

    Crisp nut is made by pre-flavoring and crisping .

  5. 美国爱护植脂奶油,美国大杏仁片,比利时红樱桃果馅。

    The United States caring for whipped topping , American almonds , Belgian Red Cherry Fruit Filling .

  6. 目的观察富含单不饱和脂肪酸的坚果&美国大杏仁对高脂血症患者的降血脂作用。

    Objective To observe variations of serum lipid levels in response to a high monounsaturated fatty diet containing almond .

  7. 壬醛和己醛的组分含量可以作为油脂氧化程度及确定烘烤美国大杏仁货架期的检测指标。

    This study showed nonanal and hexanal might be a better peroxide index for shelf life of roasted almonds kernels .

  8. 目的:研究大鼠杏仁中央核内P物质标记神经元的分布和形态的增龄性变化。

    The aging changes of substance P ( SP ) in the central nucleus of the amygdala were observed .

  9. 力竭运动后大鼠杏仁体NF-κB、IL-1β的表达研究

    Investigation of Exhausted Exercise on the Expression of NF-kappa B 、 IL-1 β in Amygdaloid Nucleus in Rats

  10. NOS在大鼠杏仁皮质核传入神经元内的分布

    Distribution of NOS Positive Neurons in the Afferent Pathway of Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus of Rats

  11. 大白鼠杏仁复合体基底外侧核群的皮质下传入联系&逆行HRP法

    Subcortical afferents of the basolateral nuclear group of amygdala in rat - a study using HRP method

  12. 大鼠杏仁体中NOS免疫阳性神经元的形态分布及其在基底外侧核中的突触联系

    The morphology and distribution of the NOS immunoreactive neurons in the rat amygdala and their synaptic connection in the basolateral nucleus

  13. 大鼠杏仁体及丘脑背内侧核至额前皮质各区的纤维投射:HRP逆行示踪研究

    Amygdala and mediodorsal thalamus nucleus projections to prefrontal cortex in the rat : a study using HRP retrograde tracing technique

  14. 用逆行HRP标记法研究大白鼠杏仁复合体基底外侧核群的皮质下传入纤维联系。

    The subcortical afferents of the basolateral nuclear group of the amygdala were studied with the HRP method in 12 rats .

  15. 方法:应用免疫细胞化学结合图像定量分析法研究3月龄,9月龄和24月龄大鼠杏仁中央核内P物质标记神经元的变化。

    Eighteen male Wistar rats were divided into three groups : 3 month , 9 month and 24 month group . The aging changes of substance P ( SP ) in the central nucleus of the amygdala were observed .

  16. 结果电针对大鼠杏仁皮质内侧核群、基底外侧核群NOS的表达有上调作用,并存在时辰差异(P<005);

    Results Electroacupuncture increased the expression of NOS in the corticomedial amygdaloid nucleus and the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus at different times ( P < 0 05 );

  17. 结论大鼠杏仁内侧核内的NADPHd阳性终末主要起源于上述核团,并且提示它们参与杏仁内侧核的功能调节。

    Conclution The NADPH-d positive terminals in the Me originates from the aforementioned nucleus , and may relate to the function of the Me .

  18. 因此本研究还观察了大鼠杏仁核电点燃癫痫形成过程中,GS表达和活性的变化及其在癫痫形成过程中的作用以及LFS的影响。

    Here we also assessed the expression and activity of GS as well as its role in the progression of amygdaloid kindling in rats .

  19. 结论丘脑底核高频深部脑电刺激能有效抑制大鼠杏仁核电点燃,其作用机制可能与改变Glu、GABA浓度平衡有关。

    Conclusions High frequency deep brain stimulation-subthalamic nucleus can significantly suppress amygdala kindling in rats , with possible mechanisms of the change of balance of Glu and GABA .

  20. 目的研究吸入麻醉剂笑气(N2O)对大鼠杏仁中央核(Ce)神经元自发放电活动的影响。

    AIM To determine the effects of nitrous oxide ( N 2O ) on the spontaneous neural discharge of the neurons in the central amygdaloid nucleus ( Ce ) in rats .

  21. 目的:观察高血糖对大鼠杏仁核电刺激点燃和戊四唑(pentylenetetrazole,PTZ)化学性点燃的影响,探讨高血糖对点燃模型的影响及其可能的机制。

    Objective : To study the effect and the mechanism of hyperglycemia on amygdala kindling and pentylenetetrazole kindling in rats .

  22. 目的:研究MK-801对大鼠杏仁核电刺激点燃模型的作用以及与抗癫痫药合用对大鼠杏仁核点燃的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the antiepileptic effect of dizocilpine ( MK-801 ) on amygdala kindling models in rats and the effects of its combination with general antiepileptic drugs .

  23. 电刺激丘脑底核对大鼠杏仁核电点燃的抑制作用

    Inhibition of high frequency stimulation-subthalamic nucleus on amygdale kindling in rat

  24. 大鼠杏仁基底外侧核群的端脑传入联系

    Telencephalon afferents of the basolateral nuclear group of amygdala in rats

  25. 大鼠杏仁中央核血管活性肠多肽标记神经元的年龄变化

    Aging changes of VIP neurons in central nucleus of amygdala of rat

  26. 大鼠杏仁中央核内微量注射催乳素释放肽抑制摄食

    PrRP inhibits food intake in rats after central nucleus of amygdala microinjection

  27. 大鼠杏仁复合体向听皮层的神经投射

    Projection from amygdaloid complex to auditory cortex in rats

  28. 结果不同类型钙拮抗药对大鼠杏仁核电刺激点燃癫癎发作的作用不同。

    Results The effects of different calcium antagonists on the model were different .

  29. 大鼠杏仁体基底核对视皮层17区神经元电活动的抑制

    The Inhibitory Effects of Amygdaloid Complex on the Neuronal Activities of Cortical Area 17 in the Rats

  30. 运动疲劳应激大鼠杏仁体核簇神经元中一氧化氮合酶的表达

    Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase ( NOS ) in Amygdaloid Nuclei of Rats under Stress of Exercise-Induced Fatigue